Diplomatic speak

I have been sent a note about yesterday's meeting with John Healey (see previous posts):
Greg Knight MP and David Clelland MP [co-sponsors of the Save Our Pubs and Clubs campaign] have met with pubs minister John Healey to discuss their concerns, particularly over the smoking ban currently in force.
After the meeting, which lasted 30 minutes, David Clelland said: "The minister listened to our concerns. It is clear he is taking the problems facing pubs and clubs seriously."
Greg Knight added: "He promised to look at a number of initiatives and we asked him to consult as widely as possible during the smoking ban review. He also promised to get back to us on a number of points we raised. It was a good meeting."
If you're feeling a trifle underwhelmed by this report, don't mistake the language of diplomacy for a lack of rigour on the part of Messrs Knight and Clelland. Greg, in particular, feels very strongly about this issue and I have no doubt at all that he will have put our case firmly yet politely.
(Your comments, I should add, have not gone unnoticed but meetings like this call for an element of diplomacy. Perhaps it was better that I wasn't there!)
The good news is that yesterday in parliament a government minister met representatives of a campaign to amend the smoking ban. A small step, perhaps, but a move in the right direction.
The real work meanwhile will begin after the election. Greg is already thinking ahead so bear with us. To support the Save Our Pubs and Clubs campaign click HERE. You can also follow the campaign on Twitter HERE.
Above (left to right): Greg Knight, John Healey, David Clelland