Europe: the bigger picture

Further to Peter Thurgood's article about Spain ('Whatever happened to "my Spain"?', published HERE), John Mallon has posted a piece on the Forest Eireann blog: Catering for smokers: how the rest of Europe compares. Comments welcome.
Btw, we used to call Paris the "European capital of smoking". The title then transferred to Prague. Any further suggestions? I have heard that the bars in Budapest are so smoky that even smokers (well, those that live in Britain) find them a little, er, fuggy.
Reader Comments (8)
How refreshing to see that 17 countries, including Holland, Germany, Croatia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, Portugal, France, Sweden, Greece, and Israel, all have a more humane, sensible, and fair, approach to their versions of the smoking-ban than we do, here in the UK.
How about a permanent list of smoker-friendly countries on the site Simon? You could even expand it to everything smoker-friendly, from bars, restaurants, shops, offices, businesses, airlines, hotels, etc., etc.
p.s. to previous post.
It might even add some revenue to your site by way of advertising?
Nope - Budapest was fine. Not fuggy at all in my experience and extreme tolerance is shown from those who don't smoke. When I asked a non-smoking party next to my table in a restaurant if they minded if I lit up, they thought I was mad for asking. They had no problem with smoke at all. Ventilation, lets not forget, is also wonderful at clearing smoke.
They do have a smoking ban in Hungary but do not enforce it which is why the EU is threatening their president.
You can add Corsica, Bulgaria and Morocco.
I thought Corsica isnt a country.
Can I second Peter's request? It does seem inordinately difficult to find a one-stop venue for information about smoker-friendly destinations, holidays, hotels, venues etc. I'm sure many of us are reaching the point where we are apathetic about the whole idea of going on holiday because we're not sure if smoking will be allowed anywhere remotely civilised (recent chilly experience at Centre Parcs comes to mind ...) And it really does affect one's enjoyment of a holiday profoundly, even for a very light smoker like me.
Here's one that could go on the list - smoking policies on cruise ships
Funnily enough, Rose W, wife and I are cruising next summer with Celebrity (no smoking in cabins or on balconies (how do they get to own the open air!). I would not contemplate such a trip myself, but granddaughter has decided to marry on this boat and I would hate to miss that event.
Apparently (as you said) there are smoking areas, which will be ok, but I do not know what the standard of 'accommodation' exists in these areas. We shall have to wait and see. As regards cabins and balconies, I shall go armed with my ecig.
I have wondered to myself how on earth I can enjoy (at a cost of some £1500) some 13 days of torture. But I had a flash of inspiration. Apart from books, I have in mind to take my laptop. Thus, I can amuse myself posting here from the med! Also, I have an electronic chess set, which I enjoy. Thus, all is not lost.
I usually go, on my own, to Malaga for a few days towards the end of March for a bit of a break (my wife has MS). I have in mind this year to take a trip to Prague for a change.
Has anyone any suggestions how best to organise such a trip (for one - From Manchester - centre of Prague - tobacco shops)?
I hope you're cruising somewhere warm, Junican, so that at least you can enjoy sitting out for a ciggie in comfort!