Frankly, who gives a tweet?

I have just been asked to comment on a story that Duncan Bannatyne is refusing (allegedly) to reply to anyone on Twitter whose profile picture shows them smoking.
I am told that some people are complaining that this is unfair and a form of discrimination. I say, good luck to him! If the bigoted old booby chooses not to reply to anyone for any reason whatsoever that's up to him - it's a free country.
Ditto, if he wants to publicise his extreme intolerance - and make himself look a prize chump at the same time - that's up to him.
The real question is: why would anyone want to waste a second of their life corresponding - even on Twitter - with this vain, egotistical ... need I go on?

As an experiment Forest_Smoking is now 'following' @DuncanBannatyne. No sign (yet) that we have been blocked. Our hero seems more interested in whether Lord Sugar (or indeed Russell Brand) has sold more books than him. Now there's a surprise ...

The Daily Record has the story. Likewise the Scottish Sun: Dragon Dunc fired up by cigs. A slow news day in Scotland, methinks.
Reader Comments (13)
"this vain, egotistical ... need I go on?"
Simon, please do! I was enjoying it!
I am a member of one of Duncan's gyms and this morning a fellow member pointed out that Bannatynes gyms are alone in having doors fitted to the men's shower cubicles. He suggested might be due to Duncan's Navy experiences. Perhaps his dislike of cigarettes has deep-rooted psychological origins? He is good at running gyms though.
Frankly Jon - I wouldn't put cash in his pocket. I'd change my gym. Smokers should get together and offer each other goods and services. Remember the impact of the "pink pound"?
We really need to get more active. Denying our custom to those who hate us and won't welcome us is one way that we could maybe finally get heard.
Is this a perfect example of fourth hand smoke? Perhaps Bannatyne should be asked to explain his fears.
Loonies like Bannatyne seem to have their own 'craving': for publicity. I think we should indulge them in their rather disgusting habit - don't you ?
Pat -
Lovely idea of yours, in reference to the analogy of the Pink Pound. But WHICH colour would be appropriate for US ? Personally, I'd choose Gold. But talk of the 'Gold Pound' would probably attract unwelcome attention from the Banking Authorities (whom we all love and admire). To say nothing of George Osborne.
I huve this terrible uffliction where I cunnot help jambling ap the letters "A" and "U", so if you would pleuse beur with me I would uppreciute it.
I huve reud before uboat this terrible mun, Dancan Bunnutyne, und in my opinion, the mun is a complete cant.
Nuaghty, Ronnie !
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He really looks healthy, doesn't he? Cracking picture. What an advert for a gym owning anti smoker! "Follow my lifestyle and you too can look like me". Wow, I'm in.
Clearly A Thinking Man, though, Frank.
Unlike that stupid Einstein - with his stupid pipe.
How old is the b*****d, Martin, he looks about 70 in the sun picture. I wonder if the Sun did it on purpose.
I used to like this guy, but he's been turning himself into a right prat lately. And I've never smoked, by the way.
Bearing in mind some of his comments about smokers being paedophiles etc ... perhaps someone should report him for Hate Crime