Pub protest needs proper planning

Forest has been asked to support/publicise what sounds like a pub crawl in London on June 30th to protest against the smoking ban. We'd like to help but we need more information. I'm all for spontaneous, organic protest that develops a life of its own, but - privately at least - there has to be a clear goal and a clear plan of action.
If media coverage is the objective (with a view to conveying, to as wide an audience as possible, a strong anti-ban message from as many people as possible), the media will need the name/phone number of the principal organiser. There should be an agreed route (with estimated time of arrival at each venue), a start/finish time, estimated numbers etc etc.
Frankly, it would make sense to forget the pub crawl and choose a single smoker-friendly pub in central London and stay there all day, building up numbers from midday onwards. (Logistically, a pub crawl is fraught with difficulty, not least because the organisers will lose people from one pub to another and it will be difficult if not impossible to stick to a schedule.)
Media-wise, it would be far more effective to advertise an 'event' and invite journalists/broadcasters/photographers/camera crews to a single venue. (Again, logistically, it would be very difficult to arrange meeting times if everyone is moving around.)
Whatever happens, the organisers must confirm in advance that the media has permission to film inside or even outside the pub. You don't want to find that cameras crews, for example, are barred from the premises. (Many is the time that I have gone into a pub with a TV crew to be told that we can't film there. Sometimes we are allowed to film but the owner/manager doesn't want the pub identified or the faces of staff to be caught on camera.)
Best to find an independently managed pub where the owner can make that decision without deferring to a higher authority who will more often than not say no. Check the views of the owner/manager and the bar staff who may be working on the day. (It would be an own goal if organisers found that the manager/bar staff are overwhelmingly in favour of the ban!)
Location is important. It needs to be easy for the major news channels to get to. Type of pub is also important. Ideally, it should have good ventilation. A very smoky pub, while atmospheric, would be a hostage to fortune and would obscure the argument that good ventilation - not a total ban - is a solution to the problem of ETS.
Good luck to anyone planning an anti-ban protest. If you want our help or support, get in touch.