Letters to the editor

The Daily Telegraph reports that:
Antony Worrall Thompson, the chef, is among signatories to a letter in today's Daily Telegraph calling for the ban on smoking in pubs to be relaxed. He is leading the Save Our Pubs and Clubs campaign, which claims that the ban is "ripping the heart out" of British pubs. It wants smoking permitted in some areas.
The letter, signed by AWT and 18 publicans, some of whom attended last week's campaign launch, reads:
SIR - Traditional English pubs and clubs are suffering like never before. Around 40 are closing every week and many others are laying off staff and making cuts in a desperate attempt to survive. Tens of thousands of jobs have already been lost and many more redundancies are likely to follow over the coming months.
There are many factors causing difficulties for licensees, from the serious downturn in the economy to continuing punitive duties on the sale of alcohol. But one factor that could be dealt with - at no expense to the taxpayer - is an amendment to the blanket ban on smoking in public places.
Tomorrow marks the second anniversary of the smoking ban in England. As publicans, we believe that its impact in reducing trade has been substantial.
We seek a solution that is fair to smokers, non-smokers and staff alike. We consider it wholly unreasonable that, when up to half of our customers are regular smokers, we can make virtually no provision for them. But we are also conscious that many pub-goers are keen on a smoke-free atmosphere. That is why we are calling for an amendment to the smoking ban, rather than its full repeal.
If we were allowed, for example, to provide separate smoking rooms while ensuring that non-smokers’ preferences were catered for, we could improve our service without causing any upset.
For these reasons, we urge politicians of all parties to help save our pubs and clubs by introducing an amendment to the smoking ban. If they don’t, the traditional English pub will continue to wither on the vine.
Letter and full list of signatories HERE.
Note: the letter will almost certainly generate a fierce response from the anti-smoking industry. It is important therefore that supporters of the Save Our Pubs & Clubs campaign write to the Telegraph echoing our call for amendments to the ban.
You might wish to highlight the devastating impact on your social life. Or the fairness of the Spanish model. Then again, you could take the opportunity to urge David Cameron to revisit Conservative party policy on this issue ...
Email dtletters@telegraph.co.uk. Keep your letters short and to the point and give your full name and address.
Who knows, if the paper gets a good response it might encourage the Telegraph to get behind the campaign.

On the back of AWT's letter in the Telegraph, I will be discussing amendments to the smoking ban on the BBC Radio Wales phone-in at 1.30pm.
Update: Antony also took part in the phone-in. He was up against some woman from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health who was, of course, hugely in favour of the smoking ban. Antony, I have to say, performed brilliantly. We're lucky to have him on our side.