I haven't commented on this before but it's interesting to note that the winners of the first two open primary elections to select Conservative candidates have both been GPs.
In August the Daily Telegraph reported that "Sarah Wollaston, a GP with no experience of politics, has been chosen as a Tory candidate in Britain's first "open primary" election" (GP becomes Tory candidate in first 'open primary' election).
Last Saturday, in Bracknell, local residents again opted for a GP - Dr Phillip Lee (Family doctor is Tory candidate, BBC News).
Unlike politicians and estate agents, doctors are clearly held in high regard by the electorate - and I have no reason to doubt that these two candidates will do a perfectly good job, should they get elected.
I do, however, question our slavish devotion to the idea that doctors are always right and cannot be questioned on health and lifestyle issues.
In particular there are huge question marks over the role of organisations such as the British Medical Association which routinely distort medical (and statistical) evidence to justify some of the most illiberal legislation this country has ever seen.
Before they voted for the public smoking ban, a number of MPs told us that they had been heavily influenced by the BMA on the issue of secondhand smoke. The MPs admitted that they knew little or nothing about the subject and if doctors were telling them that passive smoking kills ... well, who could argue with that?
Of far greater concern than a few more GPs in parliament, however, is the knowledge that a future Conservative government will "enhance the Chief Medical Officer's Department to give greater powers and responsibilities over public health" (Mark Simmonds MP, 20 March 2009, and repeated at a fringe meeting at the Conservative party conference on 6 October).
The current CMO Sir Liam Donaldson kick-started the campaign to ban smoking in all public places in 2004. Earlier this year, following Sir Liam's latest intervention in public health, Rod Liddle had this to say about him in The Spectator:
If I were as promiscuous with statistics as is the Chief Medical Officer, I would tell you that, on the latest available figures, doctors are twice as bad for your health as lung cancer and substantially more deadly than a stroke. Sir Liam Donaldson is very fond of waving his figures around so I assume he’d approve of my methodology. Any normal person would argue that I was talking rubbish, that such figures have to be seen in context. Sir Liam, though, doesn’t really do context. He once warned that the death toll in Britain for bird flu would most likely be 50,000 but that a figure of 750,000 was ‘not impossible’. The actual death toll proved to be, uh, nil.
He’s been waving more figures around this last week in support of his wish to see a minimum 50 pence charge per unit of alcohol in order to combat the effects of ‘passive drinking’. I used the phrase ‘passive drinking’ in an article four or five years ago: I thought I’d made it up and was being very bloody satirical. But these days real life out-satirises all satire. Sir Liam has said that his 50p minimum tariff will mean 3,393 fewer alcohol-related deaths per year in Britain. Aw, come on Sir Liam, surely it’s 3,394? There will also be 97,900 fewer hospital admissions. Nothing like a few good, precise numbers, is there?
And the Tories want to give this man MORE powers?
Full article HERE.
My grandfather was a GP. So was my uncle. I have never been treated by a GP I didn't like and I have no reason to believe that the overwhelming majority of doctors are anything other than very decent people who work very hard and deserve every penny they earn.
But they are not infallible and it's about time that the medical profession - especially those who want to restrict our liberties in the name of "public health" - was held to account like any other professional body.
Instead we doff our caps and let them spout any old rubbish. Why?
PS. I understand that many GPs now earn in excess of £100k a year. Perhaps I'm missing a certain public service gene, but why would anyone want to give up a job and a salary like that to become a member of an increasingly discredited and emasculated parliament?