Freedom and the welfare state

Last week I had dinner with Shane Frith, director of Progressive Vision, a new classical liberal think tank, and his colleague Mark Littlewood. Mark is former head of media for the Liberal Democrats, and before that he worked for the civil rights group Liberty.
On today's Free Society blog, Mark addresses a fundamental truth when he writes:
If the essential premises of the welfare state – universal healthcare free at the point of use from cradle to grave and the education of children paid for and controlled by the state – continue to go unchallenged then as night follows day, our own lifestyle choices will be abdicated to the state too.
Unless individuals are obliged to bear direct personal financial responsibility for their own actions, the state will inevitably seek to ban – or at least deter – activities that lead to increased public expense or diminished revenues.
If we really want to roll back the nanny state, we need to tackle the cosy, welfarist consensus that gives rise to it.
Full article HERE. Comments welcome.