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Entries from February 1, 2008 - February 29, 2008


No limit on intolerance

Always happy to have the final word, Brian Monteith (above) has this to say about smoking permits in today's Edinburgh Evening News:

If ever anyone had any doubts that once the control freaks that seek to govern our lives will not rest until they completely dictate what we can do, then the idea floated by Julian Le Grand of Health England that to buy tobacco you should need a permit, must surely settle the argument.

Not content with stopping people from smoking socially together in their local pub or club, not content with telling people that they can’t smoke in their stationery car even if they are alone - if it's used as a part time mini-cab - now they want to hound smokers further. 

Let’s face it they want to eat away at smokers’ liberties until they have none.  Next it will be the permit to buy alcohol and eventually the permit to buy meat.  These people know no limit.

Full article, including Brian's thoughts on DNA profiling, HERE.


Middle class and militant or just plain stupid?

The Telegraph's Iain Martin may have been a bit sniffy about the Heathrow protesters stealing IWAR's thunder (see below), but it didn't stop the paper from featuring a large photograph of one of the five demonstrators on its front page.

And no wonder! Smartly dressed in a Paisley-print blouse, Tamsin Omond, 23, fits the new-look Telegraph like a glove. A former Westminster School pupil who graduated with a First in English Literature from Trinity College, Cambridge, I predict that Tamsin has a great future - not as a member of the "climate action group" Plane Stupid, but as the Telegraph's new eco worrier. (You read it here first.)

Meanwhile another member of Plane Stupid, Graham Thompson, 34, is described as a "veteran campaigner". I shall be 49 on Sunday. What does that make me??? All I can say is, thank God for all the old codgers supporting the I Want A Referendum campaign. They make a middle-aged man feel just a little younger!


Matters of fact

Yesterday's "I Want A Referendum" protest is reported HERE in today's Daily Telegraph. It is also commented upon by Iain Martin HERE. As Martin notes, this good humoured, well-mannered event was overshadowed on the day by a small group of anti-Heathrow activists who climbed on the roof of the Parliament buildings (not as difficult as it sounds, actually) before unfurling banners and phoning Sky News on their mobiles. Needless to say this excited the media much more than 2,500 protestors standing in an orderly queue to lobby their MP.

From what I could see, the referendum protest was very well managed. Protestors were given placards, balloons and stickers to identify themselves. At one point the queue ran several hundred yards from St Stephen's Entrance to the Victoria Tower Gardens. Volunteer stewards were on hand to help, advise and reclaim all placards and balloons before people entered the security area and, from there, the House of Commons itself.

On the down side the event was non-party political but that didn't stop a handful of UKIP supporters showing up with UKIP banners. Likewise, there were a few eccentrics with their own, handmade, placards, but nothing to frighten the horses. The biggest problem was the average age of the protesters. Martin writes that they were "of all ages" - which is true - but the overwhelming majority were 60+. (The picture, above left, that appears on the IWAF website this morning is not representative, believe me!)

All this is food for thought if we want to organise our own lobby of Parliament. I am told that information about the event was sent to a mailing list of around 250,000 people. It was widely publicised on numerous political blogs and websites. Despite this the number of "working" men and women who turned up could be counted on the fingers of one hand.

It's a familiar problem. What I don't understand are those who say, "I can't get off work". Surely, if an issue matters so much to you, you will give up a day's holiday to attend a one-off protest? Or am I being naive? Or is it part of a wider malaise? The reality is that most people - especially younger generations - love to whinge and moan, but they are rarely willing to stand up and be counted. 

Yes, often they've got young families to look after, but that's still an excuse. If you really, passionately, believe in something - especially something that is being taken away from you - you will make the effort to protest, in person. If you're not prepared to do that - even once - then it can't really matter to you. Can it?


Walk this way

I shall be popping along to the House of Commons at lunchtime to observe the lobby of Parliament being organised by the I Want A Referendum campaign. We're looking at the possibility of a similar event on July 1, the first anniversary of the smoking ban in England. If we go ahead we will need the active support of everyone who is opposed to the current legislation. It is no longer enough to be a laptop activist. It's time to speak with your feet.


Sign up and fight for your rights

Thanks to Donal Blaney, chief executive of the Young Britons' Foundation, for writing this on his blog today:

Those of us who believe in liberty need to stand up to the bullying of the health fascists - and we need to point out that the government ought to be focussing on more important things.

If you have the time, read The Free Society blog. We need to organise more effectively, including across the political divide as there are many non-tribal Labour, LibDem and unaligned voters who are our natural allies in the fight to preserve our liberties (look at the anti-ID card campaign as an example of how such alliances can be forged).

If we fail to wake up soon, even more liberties will have been taken from us by a government that is bereft of ideas other than in wanting to arrogate more power to the state.

A non-party, non-tribal campaign to protect our liberties is EXACTLY what we had in mind when we launched The Free Society. We are currently working on one or two initiatives and will have more to report shortly.

Read the full blogpost HERE.

If you are new to The Free Society and welcome our aims, register your support HERE.


Joe Jackson - live and exclusive

Tomorrow night, in Cardiff, Joe Jackson starts a four-month tour that will take him across Europe and then on to Israel, Canada, the United States, Australia and South Africa. His only other UK gig - in London on Sunday - is sold out, but there may be more UK concerts in the summer so watch THIS space.

Today, writing exclusively for The Free Society blog, Joe explains why he wrote the song 'Citizen Sane', which appears on his new, critically acclaimed, album Rain:

This song says, more or less, that we're all yearning for some kind of authority to tell us how to be sane citizens in a confusing world; but that the authorities all turn out to be corrupt or dishonest or incompetent. What puzzles some of my interviewers is that I target not just politicians and preachers but doctors, who currently enjoy the kind of unquestioning faith which in other times was commanded by kings, popes, or the KGB.

In his typically forthright manner, he adds:

Even with the best of intentions, the health and safety brigade are often wrong, and only look at life from one angle - an angle which is increasingly mean-spirited, promoting paranoia, intolerance, and illusory concepts like 'zero risk'. This is not the road to sane citizenship.

To buy or read about the album click HERE. To read the full article, click HERE. Comments welcome.


Time to pester the politicians

Just catching up on recent news stories and I see that Liverpool Council is at it again. Not content with having led the race to ban smoking in all public places, the Lib Dem-controlled authority now wants to ban McDonalds Happy Meals as well. Or does it?

What the report in the Mail on Sunday actually said is, "Members of Liverpool City Council's Childhood Obesity Scrutiny Group want a bye-law that would forbid the sale of fast food accompanied by toys", which is slightly different.

Nevertheless, toys or no toys, what's it got to do with the council? Lib Dem councillor Paul Twigger talks about "Pester Power" as if no-one has ever heard of the word "no". As for describing McDonalds as "cash-hungry vultures" - what a cheek. No-one is forced to eat there.

My kids - who get taken to McDonald's once or twice a month - still consider it a treat. I'm not such a fan. Nevertheless, when I'm on the road, far from home, feeling every so slightly peckish, I'm more than happy to see those gleaming golden arches.

If anyone needs pestering it's politicians with their insatiable appetite for interfering in other people's lives. Full story HERE.


Tonight on Five Live ...

Barnsley, it was reported yesterday, could become the first town in Britain to ban smoking outside pubs and cafes. See HERE.

The issue will be discussed tonight on Five Live's Stephen Nolan Show around 11.00pm. Guests include Councillor Roy Miller, head of Barnsley's environment committee, publican Paul McNicholas, chairman of the local Pubwatch scheme - and me.

No doubt they will be inviting comments from listeners so pick up the phone and call 0500 909 693.


Where's the harm in legalising snus?

An interesting debate is brewing about the future of snus. Snus is a form of smokeless tobacco that has been popular in Sweden for, oh, yonks. When the country became the 15th member of the EU in 1995 it managed to negotiate an exemption from a law banning the sale of snus within the EU, and that remains the situation today.

What has changed is that some members of the anti-smoking industry have started to champion snus as part of a harm reduction initiative. A recent issue of the British Medical Journal (February 16) featured a "head-to-head" debate between John Britton, professor of epidemiology at City Hospital, Nottingham, and Alexander (Sandy) Macara, president of the National Heart Forum and a former chairman of the British Medical Association.

Britton is a familiar figure in the smoking debate. If pushed, I would describe him as a hardliner. (It was he, for example, who famously declared there is "no debate" about the threat of passive smoking.) Nevertheless, it is Prof Britton who wants the ban on snus to be lifted. You can read the full article HERE.

Another advocate of smokeless tobacco is Clive Bates, the former director of ASH. Writing on his blog, Bacon Butty, in September 2007, Bates didn't mince his words when he declared that:

If you want to say something absolutely jaw-dropping in its idiocy, then you need to cloak it in lots of fake sophistication. And this is what ASH Scotland has done with its new position paper on smokeless tobacco. No less than 266 references are used to support the truly stupid idea that smokeless tobacco, which can substitute for cigarettes and is far less hazardous, should be banned.

He went on to add:

The thing I find most troubling about this sort of posturing is what it means at an individual level. In effect, these remote health planners are saying to a person who smokes cigarettes that they should not have access to a much less risky alternative. Where did the acquire the authority and the bare-faced arrogance to do that? How did they become so sure of themselves that they feel qualified to restrict the harm reduction options available to someone struggling with addiction? So on those estates in Glasgow, where smoking prevalence can be as high as 70%, ASH Scotland says 'no' to lower risk alternatives. You must quit. And if you don't quit - well, you might as well die.

Strong stuff, well worth reading. See HERE.

And for a brief history of snus, read THIS.


Understanding freedom

"In order to defend my freedom to smoke," writes James Harkin on today's Free Society blog, "we need to admit the shallowness and the emptiness of my freedom to smoke compared with other, more substantial freedoms.

"Sometimes," he adds, "when you want to fight for freedom, you have to hold up the banner and join battle against freedom. That is only way in which the smoker, banished to the furtive margins of the city like a gay man in the 1950s, is going to become a emblem of something more lasting than his packet of fags."

Full article HERE. Discuss.


Liberal paternalism and the bully state

This evening I shall be at Balliol College, Oxford, addressing members of the Oxford Hayek Society. Inspired by my friend Julian Le Grand (left, HERE), I shall be talking about "Liberal paternalism and the bully state". If you have any personal examples of the bully state (other than the smoking ban) drop me a note NOW and I'll try and squeeze them into my speech. Deadline: 6.00pm


Thought crime night - coming soon!

If you've never heard of  The Manifesto Club, read on ...

Next week the club is hosting a free speech event in London. "Thought Crime Night" invites supporters of free speech to discuss the state of artistic freedom in Britain today. Speakers including political blogger Paul Staines (aka Guido Fawkes); novelist and journalist Hari Kunzru; rap artist Aki Nawaz; and Brendan O'Neill, editor of the online magazine spiked. The evening will also feature readings by Tim Black, staff writer for spiked, from literature that has been banned over the past century.

The Manifesto Club's "Thought Crime Night" is on Tuesday February 26. Venue: Corbet Place Bar, 15 Hanbury St, London E1 6QR. Doors open at 7.00pm. The event begins at 8.00 and the bar is open until 11.00. It's free to members; non-members pay £5 on the door, but everyone is welcome. Full details HERE.

Note: Tim Black has written THIS article for The Free Society blog. Comments welcome.


From Russia with love (sorry!)

It's 26 years since I visited Moscow and I assume it's a very different place to the drab Soviet city I experienced in 1982. (It was so awful that when we left, and the British Airways' pilot announced that we were clear of Soviet airspace, the news was greeted with wild and sustained applause.)

What won't have changed (in spite of global warming) is the extreme cold that grips the place for months on end. It was April when I visited the city, which is a three-hour flight from London, but the severe arctic temperature, especially on our first night when we walked the few hunded yards from our hotel to Red Square, is something I shall never forget.

Anyway, the reason I mention it is that Taking Liberties has reached a little part of Russia that will be forever England. I am talking about The Last Ditch, an excellent blog by ex-pat Tom Paine who ironically (some may feel) writes from Moscow about the "death of liberty in Britain". 

I have added The Last Ditch to our blogroll on The Free Society. Warmly (no pun intended) recommended.


Monteith attacks "lifestyle fascists"

News travels. Writing from Botswana, Brian Monteith has some strong words to say about the proposal to introduce smoking permits. The former MSP, who is policy director of The Free Society, makes the point that:

A smoking permit is not about winning the argument against the freedom to smoke, it’s about persecuting smokers in full gaze of the public, it’s about de-normalising smoking by making smokers pariahs ... And of course, it’s not just about smokers, it will then be about drinkers, drivers, bungee jumpers – anybody the lifestyle fascists wish to control.

Full article HERE.


In the name of democracy, sign here

Rarely a week goes by without a request to sign or promote some new petition or other. Most of them have been posted on the 10 Downing Street website and I always decline. I'm sorry, but I have no intention of playing No 10's silly little game. It's an 18 carat gimmick, and I'm surprised so many people waste their time.

Another thing that bothers me is the sheer number of petitions, many of them on the same subject. (The smoking ban, for example.) What is the point? If you are going to sign a petition, at least sign one that's clear and concise. For example:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to amend the smoking ban to allow a limited number of smoking licenses to be obtained by owners of pubs, restaurants and clubs from their local council.

As I write that petition has 2,497 signatures. No-one in government will look at it until it has hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of signatures, and even they will probably ignore it, but if you want to sign a serious smoking-related petition that's the one I'd choose. Click HERE.

On the other hand, if you fancy being a little more subversive, you could sign THIS petition. It currently has just 35 "supporters" but they include the wonderfully named 'I LOVE BEING AN EXTREMIST ASSHOLE TOO'. (Well, it made me laugh.) It would be even funnier if we could get several hundred people to sign it using equally inventive names.

Over to you.