There's a story in today's Sunday Times that is so uplifting, if true, that I can hardly believe it.
"Thousands of speed cameras," we are led to believe, "are about to disappear across England and Wales ... The first county likely to abandon the devises is Oxfordshire, which could switch off its 79 fixed cameras as early as next weekend. Other counties are preparing to follow suit."
I have written about speed cameras and how their ubiquity really does diminish the quality of my life, especially those confounded average speed cameras that are popping up with increasing frequency.
I accept, as the RAC man says in today's report, that they have a role to play in some accident black spots, but under the previous government the situation was getting out of hand (although I appreciate that these decisions are usually made at local level).
Last week I was speaking to a friend who was driving along the M40 at the time and all I could hear in the background was a series of high pitched bleeps as his sat nav alerted him to the fact that he was approaching yet another speed camera.
Someone commented on another thread that it really does feel as if we're living under a more liberal regime, and what a marvellous feeling that would be.
I say "would" because actions speak louder than words and Nick Clegg's refusal to even countenance an amendment to the smoking ban means that people like me remain sceptical of this Government's intentions.
Nevertheless, if this story is true (the devil is in the detail), then it's a step in the right direction and I'll be the first to say "Bravo!".
Below: we used this image in Forest's Fight The Ban: Fight For Choice campaign which was launched in May 2004. The headline was: 'Smokers - your local could be next'.
Not many people understood it. The point we were trying to make, prior to the smoking ban, was that smoking in a pub could soon be like driving - highly regulated with no shortage of prying eyes (the smoke police) trying to catch you out.
Well, I liked it.