Return of Fake Charities website

Good to see the return of the Fake Charities website and - what's this - you can use this form to submit a charity for inclusion. Hmmm, now, let me think ... See also Devil's Kitchen and don't forget THIS post on the inappropriate use of public money.
Reader Comments (3)
Thought I'd take a quick peek at the Child Poverty Action Group (why not just 'Poverty Action Group' ?) - one of whose bores can always be relied upon to indulge in a bit of phone-a-quote sententiousness on the Beeb following the Budget (ANY Budget).
I was particularly taken with the following by Kate Green:
"Part of the problem is… many people have seen their prosperity improve over the last 10 years, so we have become a much more unequal country...........That is very damaging for the people who just haven’t kept up, and it really is quite wrong morally, and it’s economically very stupid actually................"
Right on, Kate ! We can't have some people getting more 'prosperous', whilst others don't - actually. Well - in order to test your bona fides on this matter - I have a little proposal to make:
I'll send you MY salary slip from 10 years ago, together with a recent one, and YOU send me yours. Since I've spent that period in the private sector, working a twelve-hour day to produce items for export - hence helping to make the country a little more 'prosperous' (sorry !) - I'd be fascinated to compare them.
I'm not QUITE sure, you see, what it is that YOU (and your colleagues) 'produce' - heavily reliant as you are upon the 'generosity' of the Taxpayer.
Deal ?
ASH, always front in the queue for handouts, was one of the earliest entrants to the site, an honour which deserves more promotion than any of its self-publicised b**locks.
I am sure many of you have read Ms Arnott's predecessor at ASH, Clive Bate's letter to GSK where he admitted " ASH has a small shareholding in GSK...ASH was instrumental in securing greater government commitment to smoking cessation products in the NHS National Plan and we have helped with PR for both Zyban and Niquitin CQ," and "We have worked with GSK under the auspices of the WHO-Europe Partnership Project on tobacco dependence and at various one-off opportunities." The provenance on Old ASHs website mysteriously now needs a username and password. Have ASH got something to hide? You will no doubt be thrilled to learn that I have found my private copy, it is the data yard link.