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Entries in Quotes (4)


Quote of the week

"The meeting was a little like being trapped in a lift with Jeremy Clarkson." Brian Wheeler, political reporter, BBC News, describes The Free Society fringe meeting (which I organised and chaired) at the Conservative Party conference. Full report HERE.


Let her eat cake

"We all know what it is like to be tempted. I cannot even go into a cake shop because I know exactly what will happen." Conservative peer Baroness O'Cathain speaking against Lord Borrie's "compromise" amendment in yesterday's debate on the tobacco display ban.

She went on to say: "The amendment is just a mid-way stop between the Government’s position and a free-for-all. I actually support the Government in this."

Next logical step: a ban on the point of sale display of cakes.


Jeremy Clarkson Down Under

Jeremy Clarkson has arrived in Australia on the latest leg of Top Gear Live's world tour. Speaking at a press conference he said:

"A lot of people buy Toyota Prius's because of global warming then they can't get to work because it snows. Buy a Range Rover."

On Top Gear Live's motorcycle stuntmen: "They're French, so if they get killed it's not the end of the world."

On Top Gear's climate concerns: "We don't have a carbon footprint. That's because we drive everywhere."

On smoking: "I smoke because I'm not a coward."

Full article HERE.


Quote of the week

It's been a busy week for everyone at Forest. Best moment, perhaps, was seeing this headline (left) on the front page of the Scottish Daily Mail on Thursday. It was inspired by a quote from Forest's Neil Rafferty (a former Sunday Times man) who said: "We will soon be living in a country where pornographic magazines will be on display in shops and not cigarettes."