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Quote of the week

"The meeting was a little like being trapped in a lift with Jeremy Clarkson." Brian Wheeler, political reporter, BBC News, describes The Free Society fringe meeting (which I organised and chaired) at the Conservative Party conference. Full report HERE.

Reader Comments (4)

Rather be stuck in a lift with St. Jezza than George bollocking Monbiot...

October 11, 2009 at 14:46 | Unregistered CommenterMac the Knife

Simon I am following your every word on the conferences, well done, you really do go the extra mile and it is appreciated.

Anyone interested in a smoking ban forum were smokers are debating with anties? your input would be gratefully received, keep the debate going (be prepared for heat)


October 11, 2009 at 14:49 | Unregistered CommenterMary smoker

I have bookmarked it Mary (I would normally say 'favourited'), for when I am ready for the heat!

October 12, 2009 at 22:44 | Unregistered Commentertimbone

30 October 2009 13:17:16

Dear Local News Editors

You may be interested in the following.

Mr Brian Cannell, Chair of Walton In Gordano Parish Council seems to be pedantic with his use of English - but lacks social graces and good manners. Some people have disabilities that interfere in their use of the English Language - but not their manners. Mr Cannell may wish to note that. Perhaps he could learn from the example of others.

Mr Cannell's conduct reveals just how Disabled People are treated by those with Supposed Authority, Titles and lack of Social Graces - every day - 365 days of the year!

Politeness is a factor in everyday life - but here is an example of what gets meted out! - and the response to Mr Cannell and his Lollipop are well deserved!

Mr Brian Cannell - Chair of Walton-in-Gordano Parish Council, has still to acknowledge receipt or respond - or render up the richly deserved apology to Mr Peacher. Maybe you will also agree that Mr Cannell has been less than polite and should be responding both promptly and in a moderate and temperate manner.

The relevant contact details - including phone numbers are:

Walton-in-Gordano Parish Council
Clerk: Mr Donald Hill, 12 St Clements Court, Hallam Road, Clevedon, Somerset, BS21 7SQ
Tel: 01275 876 171

Chair: Mr Brian Cannell, Silverburn, Moor Lane, Walton-in-Gordano, Clevedon, Somerset, BS21 7AH
Tel: 01275 874 291

This is also forwarded to the Clerk of the Parish Council ( Mr Donald Hill ) for his attention. Mr Hill should be able to render up the requested information concerning Complaints Procedures - Equality Duties and Statements - the full identities and contact details for all Parish Council Members - and the dates, times and locations of Parish Council meetings.

PoliticalCripple would post the lollipop for Mr Cannell's consumption - but there is a postal strike - and it does make far better newspaper copy and photo opportunity for it to be presented in person in a public forum!

You may also find this video of interest - given it's content - It's location at Westminster - and just how articulate some are when it comes to dealing with rudeness, speaking in most negative ways from a position of perceived authority - and just how amusing it can be for some folks to be Publicly Lollipoped.



-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Your response to Mr Andrew Peacher
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 20:41:16 +0000
From: <>
To: andrew peacher bt internet ,,,,,
References: <175FE5883FED48EEB7ADBEAAF1BC47AF@AndyPC>

29 October 2009 20:41:07


Mr Brian Cannell,
Walton-in-Gordano Parish Council
Moor Lane,
BS21 7AH

Dear Sir

Being Pedantic or a Pedant? You are hereby Notified that you have been Lollipoped for rudeness, discrimination and open contempt - and you can "Suck On It and See"

I have had forwarded to me, for my explicit attention, a copy of an email you sent to Mr Andrew Peacher - your response was in red italic letters below. I see that you are pedantic with your use of English - but not with your manners. Some people have disabilities that interfere in their use of the English Language - but not their manners. You may wish to note that. Perhaps you could learn from their example.

Commas, full stops and even Capital Letter are truly wonderful things - and rudeness, small mindedness and open contempt are not!

I do note that your response to Mr Peacher failed to address the specific content of the communication. Perhaps it was to inconsequential for you to be bothered with? It was important enough for Mr Peacher to contact you on the subject.

Perhaps you would give me the courtesy of your opinion on the future of care, disability right, the rights of disabled people to be included in all aspects of society, and if pedantry over punctuation can be linked to Disability Discrimination? I can publish it on my website and multiple blogs for the world to read!

One has to wonder if you would be more polite when you are aware that your missives are shared with others for critique - no Italics required!

As chair of Walton-in-Gordano Parish Council, one would expect you to ensure that you comply with relevant Disability Equality Duties as set out in your relevant public statements on Equality. Perhaps you should re-read them, and if by any chance you are not aware of them, or you have failed to ensure they are in place, may I cordially recommend that such an issue be addressed promptly. You can find full details of who to speak to at

- and by return, kindly provide a full copy of your statutory complaints procedures, so that your pedantic attitude to punctuation and less than pedantic compliance with certain Disability Equality Duties may be fully addressed!

I would also like the dates of your next three parish Council meetings so that I can attend and ensure that all issues are addressed personally. It may take some time to be able to get to one, and it may need a tad of strategic planning due to disability - but I can assure you it will be a blast!

Please also supply the full contact details of all members of the Walton-in-Gordano Parish Council, so that they can all be explicitly and directly made aware of how you respond to punctuation issues and disability. They may wish to show if they have confidence in your views - or they may even wish to vote that they do not.

Alternately you could render up an immediate apology to Mr Peacher without further delay, and in doing so fully respond to his original e-mail in a far more appropriate and temperate manner.

Yours faithfully

PoliticalCripple - -

Mr A Peacher
Customer Services North Devon Council
The Equalities Team North Devon Council

andrew peacher bt internet wrote:
andrew peacher bt internet wrote:
> HI,
> would you like to attend a petition signing event ?
> SUPPORT PEOPLE/* */(before its 2 late)/*
> press call is at 230 friday 6th november details below
> i guess you will be 2 busy let us hope not councillors in bristol took
> time to visit us in the city council building during september showing
> their support sue o donell lib dem was a star and gave us exellent
> help with the ideas and aims of the lib dems
> but bruton and frome need your support now
> */we need all partys to turn up/* and support the wide issue of why
> dla and aa are being scrapped for the over 65s it seems not fair as
> the under 65s get their benefit due to the pressure of people like me
> and save dla somerset old people have worked all their life now they
> are robbed of financial support david heath mp is supporting us you do
> also as somerset needs you
> andrew peacher
> */Tel 01749 812041 andy orginizer and marie 01749812511 host/*
> we are holding a petition signing event at */34 burrowfield bruton
> ba10 somerset at 230pm on friday the 6th of november/* a week before
> the consultation period ends to save disibility living allowence for
> the over 65s and for the people over 65 getting attendence allowence
> your presence would be greatly appreciated as we need this news to
> stay in the press and the papers and the radio also to reassure the
> under 65s that the goverment has made a statement as below
> Thursday 22 October 2009
> Health Secretary clarifies Government position on disability benefits
> The Secretary of State for Health has made it clear that Disability
> Living Allowance for the Under 65s will not be affected by Government
> plans to create a National Care Service.
> Speaking at the National Children and Adult Services Conference in
> Harrogate, Andy Burnham MP said: "I am encouraged by the response to
> our Big Care Debate and welcome the fact that other political parties
> are beginning to put their ideas on the table. There are big
> differences between what we are saying but we are beginning to create
> what I wanted to see - unstoppable momentum for legislation in the next
> Parliament.
> "But, while the debate is moving quickly, I do want to stress that the
> door is wide open for discussion. We are still in a consultation
> period. No decisions have been made on funding options. We are still
> listening – about funding, about structures, and about how to build a
> forward-looking system of care.
> "One avenue I do want to close down, however, is the debate and
> controversy over Disability Living Allowance.
> "We recognise that this is an important benefit for disabled people,
> and I can state categorically that we have now ruled out any suggestion
> that DLA for under-65s will be brought into the new National Care
> Service.
> "This is because, whilst there will be increases in the numbers of
> disabled people of working age who need care, the majority of the
> people needing care in the future will be older people.
> "However, we do think there may be a case for bringing together
> elements of some disability benefits, such as Attendance Allowance,
> with social care funding, to create a new care and support system to
> provide for the needs of older and disabled people.
> "But the important principle is that people receiving any of the
> relevant benefits at the time of reform would continue to receive an
> equivalent level of support and protection under a new and better care
> and support system.
> "And let's not forget, everyone - regardless of wealth or asset base –
> will benefit from the protection and piece of mind that the National
> Care Service will provide."
> The Government is currently carrying out a consultation – the Big Care
> Debate - on the new National Care Service, a vision for which was set
> out in July’s Green Paper Shaping the Future of Care Together. The Big
> Care Debate continues until 13th November.

You may get more support from your email if you format it with some
correct spelling and grammar.

There are wonderful little things called capital letters (used for the
first person 'I' and the first letter of proper names, as well as at the
start of sentences and abbreviations). Also you will find comma's,
apostrophes and full stops are there to ensure a series of words makes
sense to the reader. Colons and semi colons are also available to keep
everything in order. All these funny little signs are freely available
and just waiting to be used on both computer keyboards and mobile
phones. Using them will go a long way to making the message meaningful
and intelligent. Not using them does not do the writer any favours at all.


Brian Cannell

October 30, 2009 at 14:46 | Unregistered Commenterandrew peacher

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