Duncan Bannatyne: "He's off his rocker"

I have just taken part in a phone-in on the Ed Doolan Show (above) on BBC Radio WM. There were three guests - me, Paul Hooper (regional director, Department of Health, and a former spokesman for ASH) and ... Duncan Bannatyne (see THIS post).
Much of the discussion concerned children and smoking - especially smoking in cars, smoking in the home, and smoking outside public buildings (like Toys 'R' Us!!).
In the second half of the 45-minute phone-in, when the "debate" moved on to the tobacco display ban, we were joined by Pravin Chauhan of the National Federation of Retail Newsagents.
I don't think Bannatyne liked me very much. At various times during the programme he accused me of being "deluded", "disgusting" and a "hypocrite". Charming.
Something else I said (I can't remember what) then prompted him to retort that it "shows what sort of person he is".
Finally, cackling like a deranged hyena, he dismissed my arguments with the words: "He's off his rocker". Truly, a bizarre performance.
Oh well, I can't complain. It was my idea that they get Bannatyne on the programme in the first place!

You can listen to the programme HERE. The phone-in begins about 1hr 15 mins in. I didn't catch it at the time but according to Bannatyne I am also "gutless" and a "coward". Nice man.
Reader Comments (16)
What is the difference between being "off one's rocker" and "completely mad"?
I am not talking about Bannatyne's insane remarks about Simon, I am talking about Bannatyne's ramblings in general.
At what point can a person be deemed insane, and not responsible for their words and actions? I am always arguing this point, when I hear about murderers being let off on the grounds of insanity.
My argument is that anyone who commits a premeditated murder, is insane, so why let them off?
This argument is surely proved beyond a doubt by Mr Bannatyne, who preaches inhumanity to his fellow man, and even his own children. Why is a person of such dubious mental ability allowed to continue his hatred attacks, and even given a platform by the BBC on which to do it from?
My own view in modern Britain is that money talks and bullshit walks. That's why mad banatyne is not carted off to the Loony bin. This govt and their friends and associates in the anti-smoking lobby need his money and his celebrity.
He doesn't let his personal passion get in the way of a buck, though - at his hotel in Darlington he has ashtrays and patio heaters.
Simon. I know you like your drink, like many of us, but why didn't you question Duncan about breathing toxic alcohol fumes into his children?
I had not heard of Duncan Banatyne (sp?) until I read about him on this site.
Sounds like your calm manner riled him, Simon. If he was ranting like that, he may well have shown himself up to listeners.
Nice work.
A typical sociopath nulab/BBC bully. The only real distinguishing feature of his "I wish I was Alan Sugar" persona is an unusual combination of dullness, ignorance and that particular kind of overweening self-righteous arrogance that makes one want to punch his beady little lights out.
I've just listened and I'm lost for words. I disliked Bannatyne before but he's sunk to new depths in my estimation. To arrogant and brusque I would add rude and sneering.
And do they go out of their way to pick smokers who think that there should be more restrictions or are those who think things have already gone too far too frightened to phone in?
Well done, Simon - the odds were stacked against you from the start what with Bannatyne, Hooper and Doolan's opening remarks.
I couldn't listen to this to the end, sorry but it was 3 to 1, hope they rally round the flag when Bannatyne is made Health Minister, absolutely nauseating tripe
I wonder if Shirley Strong's mother abstained from smoking in the car on the way to school.
Here is a waster called zinedine zidane who would have become
have become a great athlete if he had hitched a lift with Shirley Strong's mother. Yes smoking in cars is such an impediment to athletic success.
Simon you played a blinder in the face of the evangelical smoker that has given up. That was the message I heard, ex-smokers that use babies to further their cause. A few years ago a boss of mine, who was an ex-smoker, told me that when he smelt SHS he could kill for a cigarette! But he was never venomous like that shit Bannatyne.
I doff my cap to you, a non-smoker.
When Bannatyne was banging on about the two women smoking outside Toys R Us, I had this thought.
"Then you and your kids walk through a busy car park with all those nasty exhaust fumes"
Funny how he didn't mention anything about that.
Fredrik. Many of our great footballers were smokers. Zidane, Gazza, Maradonna, to name a few. Did smoking impede their success?
Simon! I cant believe that, what an arrogant ! I agree with Dick Puddlecote (amazing name btw) that your calmness probably made him uncomfortable. Does anyone actually care what Bannatyne thinks anyway? Probably not.
Bannatyne is a lunatic. He's typical of the working class man makes good/robber baron type of character i.e No Class.
After stepping on others on his race to the bottom, which in his limited thinking is the top, he thinks by distancing himself from his working class roots and habits he's achieving something of merit that will make him look good in the minds of his 'betters'.
I would not rebuke the sad bastard if he was trying to achieve something of merit for himself or the general good, but his sights are set so low that he will never elevate himself.
It is frightening and depressing that we have to live amoung and lower ourselves to debate with individuals of his intellect.
I'm sure he did not come by his millions by being a perfect specimen, but then it was never Tony's habit to scrutinise big donations too closely anyhow.
Unfortunately in a lot of countries nowadays, we have monied people who are lobbying and directing legislation regardless of where their filthy lucre comes from.
And it is nigh impossible to find out what their motives or interests are!
I am surprised at the efforts put in by those of you trying to argue rationally against this monster. He is simply stupid, arrogant and evil. End of. A damning indictment of our society and a total waste of space.