Named and shamed
Seven days ago the news was dominated by the London car bombs. Now, exactly one week later, one of the leading items on BBC News is the allegation that former LibDem leader Charles Kennedy has been caught smoking on a train, as if this was a serious offence. (Full story HERE.)
I know - from a journalist's perspective - that this is good knockabout stuff. But what a warped society we are living in when a bloke having a quick smoke in the course of long distance train journey becomes headline news.
What is ominous about this story is the fact that someone has sneaked on Kennedy and the same person (or someone else) has then leaked it to the media. On top of that we have the ill-disguised attempt to humiliate an otherwise law-abiding person for - what, exactly? To the best of my knowledge, this was a completely victimless 'crime'.
Earlier today I was asked to comment on another story that enforcement officers for a council in north Wales have imposed a £50 fine on a lorry driver for smoking in his cab. He was alone. The same local authority has demanded that businesses put up 'No Smoking' signs or face being "named and shamed". Pompous prats.
In some ways I welcome these stories because I really hope that people come to their senses and understand that what is happening should not be tolerated in a civilised society. For the moment, this country is now in the hands of sneaks and jobsworths who will do their utmost to make life a misery for those who don't conform to the government's idea of the perfect citizen.
When I spoke to journalists yesterday I expressed sympathy for Charles Kennedy. My comments (see HERE) reflected my concern for Charles Kennedy, smoker. In view of the fact that the former LibDem leader voted in favour of the smoking ban, I have little sympathy for Charles Kennedy, politician. You reap what you sow etc, and Kennedy has been hoist by his own petard. See Iain Dale's Diary for some interesting and (please note!!) concise responses to the same story. (Scroll down to 'Charles Kennedy, Hypocrisy and Consistency'.)