Liddle at large

Interesting postscript to Revolt In Style by Rod Liddle in The Times. Author, journalist and broadcaster, Rod was on my table, alongside Antony Worrall Thompson, Trevor Baylis and Ibrahim El-Noor, so I can't imagine where he got this idea that we were all rabid right-wingers. Perhaps it was Antony telling the government to "fuck off", or perhaps I goaded him by carelessly asking if he is still a "lefty" over a post-dinner drink.
Extremely good company, Rod was one of the last to leave The Savoy on Monday night (around 1.30am). Famously combustible, he was last heard arguing with a hotel flunkey about the quickest and shortest way to leave the building. Click HERE to read the full article.

Reader Comments (8)
Almost every report I've read of the Revolt in Style dinner has garnished it with right-wing bows, which I find unhelpful as it brings a class argument into a fundamentally classless situation.
I do agree with Liddle's perspective on the philosophical (as opposed to political) centre to international smoking legislation. I don't agree that it makes legislation harder to shoot down as the educated (and bloody-minded) have been shooting holes in philosophical arguments since the time of Aristotle and before. The problem is society's STOPPED shooting holes in pholosophical arguments and begun accepting them as right and true religion.
Seeing as the population of the world has been thoroughly brainwashed and the government obeys diligently the words of the statistical number-crunchers who comprise the World Health Organisation - what we need are more politicians with an abolitionist approach and an instinct to question the questioners.
Last week we saw what this smoking ban is all about. Three of its major conspirators have resigned from their posts. First, we had Tony Blair and now Lord Falconer and Patricia Hewitt. Yes, the Prime Minister, Attorney General and the Health Minister. These leave a sinking ship so as, to leave others to repair the damamge left those who are not compus mentis.
I have read several articles on the site as suggested by several postings but there is another one I have found which emphasizes this junk science. Not surprisingly, its called
Why the NHS blames smoking causes deaths by SHS is really caused by their failure to honour their hypocratic oath. Yes smoking can be an irritant to non smokers but their complaints of chest and respiratory infects may be geniune. Unfortunately, the NHS encourages doctors not to bother to diagnose the problem by advising those affected to avoid such armospheres.
How many people have to die bedore the NHS accepts that 'Junk Science' is no substitute for scioentidic facts.
Lastly. I wish the BBC would put the breakfast TV show on the CBeebies channel as it is becoming my sutied to children. Bring back 'Andy Pandy' as it might prove more to the educational standards of those who wanted this ban as it stands.
I'm reminded of the Fun Boy Three song which was just as appropriate at the time it was released as it is now.
"The lunatics have taken over the assylum..."
I'm afraid that's the only conclusion I can come to when such an obviously insane law has come to pass - most especially with such hysteria and disproportionate levels of enforcement.
The whole thing is nuts.
Stop the world, I want to get off.
I am very surprised that our government and the NHS haven't challenged the Tobacco industry on behalf of the Drug Cartell. The NHS claim their costs have soared treating those affected by Passive od SH smoke. perhaps if they did, the truth would then come out.
The point being that in the USA some state has started legal action to claim back money spent on dealing with smoke related illnesses. This I found on the Junkscience,com site.
Poppy -
Re: "Stop the world, I want to get off."
With respect - you've got it the wrong way round: stop the World, by all means, but then kick the Idiots off (though your foot will be VERY busy !)
Martin. You're so right. Revisions accepted!
(Mea culpa)
Poppy -
Your sins are forgiven, my child. Go in peace...............
Praise be to Martin (LOL)
Thank you :)