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Entries in Events (95)


Save Our Pubs & Clubs - the gig

Fantastic evening at the Cross Kings in London on Wednesday night. I must admit that I had reservations that an evening of "grunge-fuelled rock 'n' roll" in support of the Save Our Pubs & Clubs campaign would work, but I couldn't have been more wrong. (Apologies to organiser Dan Donovan, above right and below left, for doubting him!) It was great and I would happily do it again.

Full report and more pictures to follow over the weekend.


Rock 'n' roll animal

Photographer, musician and graphic designer Dan Donovan has worked with us for a number of years. In 2007 he created a personal photographic journal entitled Ninety Smokers. Featuring many friends of Forest, it was published online HERE.

Today Dan is keen to help promote the Save Our Pubs and Clubs campaign. One half of garage rock band King Kool, he writes:

Hi Everyone

You may or may not know but I play in a band called King Kool. We have a launch party coming up in London to promote a single release.

My band will headline the gig and musicians from the 90 Smokers project will be playing with their bands also. Forest are funding the gig and we'll use it to promote the Save Our Pubs and Clubs campaign.

The gig is in the basement bar at The Cross Kings near Kings Cross in London. It's more of a rock 'n' roll dungeon and the event will be loud and raucous.

If this is something you fancy please come along.

King Kool are a grunge sounding outfit, not dissimilar to Iggy Pop and The Stooges.

Also playing are Larp (post punk outfit similar in sound to The Clash or Ramones) and Native Souls (ball crunching funk rock).

Let me know if you're coming so we can get an idea of numbers. The venue is pretty small so we need to know in advance.

Rock 'n' roll dungeon is a pretty good description of the downstairs bar at The Cross Kings. The colourful main bar however has a very different and rather bohemian aura and outside, weather permitting, there is a comfortable smoking area.

If you'd like to join us, email You can download the flyer (see previous post) HERE.


Now for something completely different


The Bully State book tour

Brian Monteith (above) with copies of his new book, The Bully State: The End of Tolerance, which was launched last night in Edinburgh. Publication of the book was marked with a drinks party at the New Club in Princes Street.

Over 50 guests, including journalists and politicians attended the event in the Ramsay Room overlooking Edinburgh Castle. Unfortunately, due to the biting wind and rain, the balcony was less smoker-friendly than usual - but that didn't deter some people from lighting up!

The evening featured live music, a brief speech by Brian and an even shorter introduction from me. Plenty of laughs and lots of friendly faces. I hadn't seen one guest (an old university friend) for 26 years, another for ten, so the evening was quite nostalgic too.

Delighted too to see the great Scottish historian Michael Fry. Michael and I once shared a room in Washington (for two weeks!) and I have never heard a man snore so loudly although, oddly, I am told that I have developed a similar habit in old age.

After the party, which went on well past its intended time, a small group of us - including BBC Scotland political editor Brian Taylor (a fellow Dundee United supporter) - retired to The Living Room, a lively restaurant in George Street.

Good company, great evening. Next stop: London.


Brian Monteith and The Bully State

Tonight, in Edinburgh, we are launching The Bully State: The End of Tolerance, a new book by Brian Monteith that is being published by The Free Society. Brian joined us at the Conservative conference in Manchester (he spoke at The Free Society meeting reported HERE by the BBC) and the subject of the book has already caught the attention of the Scotsman and the Times Educational Supplement which commissioned him to write the following articles:

100 years is too long to put up with the bully state (Scotsman)
From nanny to the bully state (Times Educational Supplement)

Note: the Scotsman article is only available to subscribers. To read it in full without charge click HERE.

Tonight's event also marks Forest's 30th anniversary. I know we've already had a party to "celebrate" this milestone but that was in London and we were keen to do something in Scotland as well.

I am driving to Edinburgh this morning with a car full of books and Forest paraphernalia and I expect to arrive shortly after lunch. The event starts at 5.30 and features the traditional Forest jazz band plus speeches by both Brian and myself.

We expect between 50 and 60 guests at The New Club which has a smoker-friendly balcony overlooking Edinburgh Castle and Princes Street Gardens. I'm looking forward to it.

I'll post some photographs over the weekend.

Note: to mark the publication of The Bully State we are also organising a small drinks party in London on Wednesday 14th October. We have booked the upstairs bar at the Westminster Arms, 9 Storey's Gate, London SW1. Numbers are limited but readers of this blog are among those invited. RSVP


Last night's Forest party

In keeping with the restrained nature of this week's Conservative conference (chairman Eric Pickles has banned MPs and PPCs from quaffing champagne at any conference event!), last night's Forest party was a relatively modest affair.

Modest, that is, in comparison to our Prohibition themed party in Bournemouth in 2006 when 400 guests were entertained by a speakeasy style jazz band, a mock police raid and the "arrest" of Boisdale MD Ranald Macdonald for "inciting people to smoke, drink and generally enjoy themselves".

The following year 300 people attended our first post-ban conference party (in Blackpool) and last year around 200 delegates joined us for a drink and a smoke at the inaugural Freedom Zone in Birmingham.

Last night 150 or so people squeezed into Beluga, a wine bar in Mount Street, just outside the conference zone. Guests included Philip Davies, Conservative MP for Shipley, and MEP Roger Helmer. Bloggers were particularly well represented. They included Paul Staines (Guido Fawkes), Phil Hendren (Dizzy Thinks), Chris Snowdon (Velvet Glove Iron Fist) and Total Politics' Shane Greer. Good to see lots of new faces too.

The aim of the event was to get people to sign up to the Save Our Pubs and Clubs campaign. We didn't do any speeches, though. It wasn't that sort of venue - far too noisy, for a start.

Bar bill for the evening - £1500. I think people had a good time.

PS. I can't remember mention everyone I spoke to but I was pleased to meet John Baker from Middlesbrough and Helen Daniels from Wigan. I knew the names but not their faces so it was good to put the two together.


Will the Tories challenge the bully state?

I am currently in Manchester for the Conservative party conference. For the second year running Forest and The Free Society are taking part in a two-day mini conference known as The Freedom Zone. This year's event features 53 speakers, 24 events, and 14 organisations including ConservativeHome, The Taxpayers Alliance, Forest and many more.

This morning I chaired a meeting - co-hosted by The Free Society and The Freedom Association - entitled "Politics and Prohibition: will a Conservative government challenge the bully state?" Speakers were Roger Helmer MEP, chairman of The Freedom Association; Brian Monteith, former Forest spokesman (and MSP) and author of The Bully State: The End of Tolerance; and Shane Frith, director of Progressive Vision.

It was a little unbalanced because the speakers (and the chairman!) were united in their view that something has to be done to roll back the bully state in areas such as smoking, drinking and driving, but it was a useful exercise nonetheless.

I ended the meeting on a personal note by explaining that I have always voted Conservative. At present however I feel disenfranchised because none of the leading parties represent my views on lifestyle issues. If David Cameron wants people like me to vote for him, I said (and increase the Tories' percentage of the vote), he needs to show some leadership on this issue.

Tomorrow night Forest is hosting a drinks party - with the support of The Freedom Association - in support of the Save Our Pubs and Clubs: campaign. If you live in Manchester you are welcome to come. Beluga Bar and Restaurant is in Mount Street, outside the secure zone, so you don't need a conference pass.

In a couple of hours we're off to Beluga for the inaugural Freedom Dinner organised by The Freedom Association. Guest speaker is Dan Hannan MEP who gave that marvellous anti-Brown speech in Brussels that was such a hit on YouTube. Should be fun.


Manchester or Madrid?

I was in Manchester yesterday looking at venues for events at the Conservative party conference in October. My sat nav took me on what I imagine was the shortest route - an A-road across the Pennines. Stuck behind a line of slow-moving lorries it added at least an hour to the journey.

On the way home I turned the sat nav off and immediately got lost. Ignoring signs for the M6 and M62 I eventually found myself in leafy Alderley Edge from where I decided to head south via Buxton - not the quickest route, certainly, but very scenic.

As for Manchester, I have never warmed to the city. People who have lived here tell me there's a great buzz about the place and lots of things to do. I'm sure there are. Visually, however, large parts of the city centre remind me of one of those drab, grey Eastern European cities - Warsaw, perhaps.

Trams, great big concrete office blocks, utilitarian-looking hotels ... I've tried, I really have, to like Manchester. I've come here many times for conferences and other events. Years ago I produced a concert at the city's Library Theatre. I've stayed at the 5-star Lowry Hotel (courtesy of the BBC) - and even that was a peculiarly soulless experience.

I'm no fan of Christiano Ronaldo, but if I had a choice between Manchester and Madrid I know where I'd live.


Those were the days

In view of our forthcoming reception in London on 22 June (see below) I thought I'd remind you of a previous Forest event - Revolt In Style - at the Savoy Hotel shortly before the introduction of the public smoking ban in England in July 2007. Click HERE. No, I don't know who some of those people are either.


Forest reception and book launch

I am pleased to announce that Forest supporter Ranald Macdonald will be hosting a very special reception on Monday 22 June.

The event, at Boisdale of Belgravia, is to mark Forest's 30th anniversary and the publication of Christopher Snowdon's impressive new book Velvet Glove, Iron Fist: A History of Anti-Smoking.

Expect cocktails, canapes and live music. Chris will be signing copies of his long-awaited book and I imagine there will be one or two (short!) speeches.

Entry by invitation only. If you have attended Forest events in the past you will be on our guest list. If you haven't and would like to attend please send your full name and address to Nicky (

Note: Ranald was featured in the Independent on Sunday yesterday. See HERE. See also Chris's website HERE.


Dinner at Boisdale

Last night I hosted a small dinner party at Boisdale. The purpose was to form an "organising committee" that will help promote one or more events to mark Forest's 30th anniversary. It was an eclectic group and only one person - from an initial list of 14 - declined our invitation.

Guests included Eamonn Butler and Madsen Pirie from the Adam Smith Institute, Simon Hills of The Times and Donal Blaney, chief executive of the Young Britons Foundation. Also present: bloggers Paul Staines (Guido Fawkes), Phil Hendren (Dizzy Thinks) and Chris Mounsey (Devil's Kitchen).

Chairing the often lively discussion was Boisdale MD Ranald Macdonald, and special guest was broadcaster and journalist James Walton, editor of The Faber Book of Smoking, with whom I had a long and enjoyable chat.

We made full use of Boisdale's cigar terrace and the food and wine were, as ever, excellent. Ranald and I retired shortly after midnight and if I feel a little fragile today I've only myself to blame.


Raising a glass to the TaxPayers' Alliance

Just off to attend a champagne reception to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the TaxPayers' Alliance. I can't think of many pressure groups that have enjoyed so much publicity in recent years.

Perhaps their biggest coup was to provoke THIS attack by the Guardian's Polly Toynbee. You know you've arrived when New Labour's "fairy godmother" writes:

Day after day an insidious poison is fed into the nation's veins, spreading anger and cynicism about everything in the public sector. Nothing works, billions are wasted, public servants of every kind are pointless jobsworths feathering their nests and twiddling their thumbs. Behind this campaign is the Taxpayers' Alliance (TPA), which claims an average of 13 hits a day in the national media.

Tonight's event also features the launch of The Great European Rip-Off, a new book by David Craig and Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the TPA (available on Amazon HERE). I can't imagine what that's about ...


Convention on Modern Liberty

This isn't a review of the Convention on Modern Liberty because I only attended the satellite event in Cambridge, organised by NO2ID, and I didn't catch the video links to the main event in London - which included the main addresses. All I can offer is a small snapshot.

When we arrived at the venue - the Cambridge Union in Bridge Street - there were four parallel morning sessions to choose from. These included "Privacy and Digital Communication", "The Database State", and "Engaging with Government in the Digital Age". Speakers included Cambridge councillors Chris Howell (Conservative) and Neil McGovern (LibDem), Andrew Brown (Open Rights Group), Andrew Watson (The Big Opt-Out), and David Clouter (Leave Them Kids Alone).

I plumped for the session in the main chamber for the simple reason that it was the most impressive room in the building and the soft leather seats looked the most inviting. The subject was "Internet Censorship in the UK". There were four speakers - including blogger Frank Fisher and Sarah Robertson of the Internet Watch Foundation - but no more than 20 people in the chamber (which must hold at least 200).

Naively, perhaps, it didn't cross my mind that the discussion would focus on extreme pornography. This wouldn't have mattered had I been on my own. Thinking, however, that the convention might interest them, I had taken my 14-year-old son and the 16-year-old daughter of a friend. After squirming in my soft leather seat for several minutes, I whispered "I think this is a bit inappropriate", and ushered them towards the exit. (Liberty has its limits!)

After lunch at a local tapas bar, we returned to the Union chamber for the afternoon debate: "This House believes that its civil liberties are under grave threat". Proposing the motion were David Howarth MP, LibDem shadow secretary of state for Justice, and Prof Andrew Gamble, professor of politics at Cambridge University. Opposing the motion were Bill Rammell MP, minister of state for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, and Tariq Sadiq, Labour parliamentary "spokesperson" for South Cambridgeshire.

Thankfully the afternoon session was reasonably well attended (the chamber was at least half full) and the atmosphere very much livelier. Rammell's contribution caught the eye - and ear - if only because he managed to alienate most of the audience within seconds of opening his mouth. (If I heard him correctly, he finds criticism of the government a bit, well, "irritating".)

Here's a flavour of the debate:

For the motion: "Definition of national security has changed ... today government wants to protect everyone from all risks ... Britain is sleepwalking into a surveillance society ... we're forever filling in forms ... obliged to share our data ... people are ignorant of the sort of society we're getting into ... as citizens we shut our eyes and don't think about it ..."

Against the motion: "Please don't distort, exaggerate or mislead ... ridiculous to talk about a police state ... no country is freer than Britain ... governments have a responsibility to protect its citizens ... CCTV makes people feel safer ..."

One of the opposing speakers (I think it was Tariq Sadiq) made the most outrageous claim that a lot of problems are caused by "over-zealous local authorities" who "misinterpret" national legislation with the result that minor issues are "improperly" dealt with.

In other words, nothing to do with this Labour government, m'lud. It's all those pesky local councils (Tory and LibDem-run councils being the worst).

The motion was passed (by a landslide) but no thanks to David Howarth who gave the longest, most boring summing up speech I have ever heard. Thankfully the actual debate was far livelier - although most of the better contributions came from the floor.

BTW, further to my post on Friday (which Iain Dale mentioned HERE), this was NOT an across-the-political-spectrum event, despite the presence of one or two Tories. At one point Bill Rammell even argued that the government had to fight terrorism because the likes of Al-Qaeda are targeting what he called the values of the "tolerant, liberal Left". There seemed to be an assumption (on his part) that the audience represented the "tolerant, liberal Left" and by saying this he hoped to win them over.

PS. The Observer, part of the Guardian newspaper group that co-sponsored the convention, reports on the event HERE. And journalist Henry Porter, a co-director of the convention, adds his bit HERE.


Who is Ashmob?

Saw this link on Christopher Snowdon's website. Ashmob - what a great idea. But I can't find any contact details. Can anyone help?


Do we need a national smoking day?

A national smoking day would be glorious and liberating, thinks Nigel Farndale in the Sunday Telegraph (HERE). He's not alone. In 2007 there was an attempt to organise a National Smoking Day but, with respect to the organisers, 31 December was not the best date to choose and it fell rather flat.

That aside, is the basic premise a good one? After all, if you have a national smoking day, what does that make every other day - no-smoking?

I'm not saying it would never work but if you're going to have a national smoking day you've got to have a clear objective. In other words, what are you trying to achieve?

You've also got to do it properly. That means a series of well-publicised events up and down the country or, at the very least, one BIG event attended by hundreds or thousands of people. There has to be something for the media to report. Unsubstantiated claims of people lighting up across the UK in support of NSD are not enough.

Anyway, I was amused that Farndale invoked the name of Auberon Waugh and even suggested that NSD become Auberon Waugh Day "in the manner of Martin Luther King Day".

Bron was a loyal supporter of Forest and for a while we "sponsored" a monthly drinks party which he hosted at his Academy Club in Soho. (I wrote about it HERE in 2007.)

Auberon Waugh Day may never happen but Farndale has given me an idea for a Bron-inspired event to mark Forest's 30th anniversary later this year. Watch this space.