Another day, another ban

Today sees the introduction of a ban on TV advertisements for so-called junk food during programmes aimed at young children. (Full story HERE.) As a parent myself, I believe the principal responsibility for what my child eats lies with me not the government, food manufacturer or television company. Needless to say, some people are still not happy. Dr David Haslam, from the National Obesity Forum, says: "If you go into a supermarket there are ... sweets and chocolates at eye-level for a child at the till. Well, that's something that should be stopped instantly. It's all very well banning advertising of the food to kids, but kids are still going to be eating the food because there's point-of-sales advertising and there's the pressure that's put on the parents to go out and get a fast food burger."
What is Dr Haslam suggesting? That we ban point-of-sales advertising as well? Or perhaps he wants to go the whole hog and ban the burger. Has he never come across the word 'No'? (Parents use it all the time.) Anyway, what's wrong with junk food? Everything in moderation, nothing in excess - that's what we were told as children. My children love 'fast food burgers'. A visit to McDonalds is still considered by them to be a treat. As with so many things, it's the dose that's the poison. By all means encourage people to eat healthily, but ban junk food advertising or the product itself? Over my dead body.

Reader Comments (3)
It's not too difficult to imagine a day when supermarkets have two sections. One containing all the "healthy" stuff (and who decides that, I wonder) and one with all the "unhealthy" stuff (and who decides that, I wonder).
The problem is that the Puritans have no self-control. They dont know when to stop. And the bigger problem is that they assume we have no self-control.
But the biggest problem of all is that we continue to allow them to think that. And to think for us.
We have to accept some of the blame for continually bending over.
Just how far into our lives do these freaks have to encroach before we say, loudly and clearly, "Enough is enough".
As a friend of mine once said, "We should have put our foot down when the ashtrays were taken out of the doctor's waiting rooms".
The biggest problem is, no-one seems to know what is good for us and what is not. What is 'In' today will be 'Out' tomorrow! Take the scare about eggs that Edwina Curry stirred up years ago - I still know people who won't eat eggs as a result, crazy I know. It is like everything else, it all comes round full circle in the end, but unfortunately that is unlikely to be in my lifetime.
I am workind hard on my husband at the moment to look at moving to somewhere like Bulgaria - he would be quite happy to move to Spain, but as I pointed out, Spain is now quite expensive and definitely too rich for us in terms of property purchase, whereas Bulgaria and Poland are still very cheap. I am just hoping he will decide it's a good idea before Bulgaria catches up with Spain. I cannot bear the thought of seeing out my days in this country - it is far too stifling, especially for someone with acute claustrophobia - everything is closing in around and it is very scarey! Believe me, you do not have to be physically shut in a space to be claustrophobic, although that too sets off a panic attack!
Warning: This government and it cronies are making me seriously ill! I am sure the medication I am on, whilst doing me some good at the moment, in the long term is far more harmful than the cigarettes!