A true liberal

I frequently despair of Liberal Democrats who - in word and deed - abuse the right to call themselves 'liberal'. Thankfully there is at least one member of the party who is true to the name. Lembit Opik (left), Liberal Democrat MP for Montgomeryshire, has added his voice to those who oppose the introduction of smoking bans in all enclosed public places. Yesterday he gave the following quote to Forest for a press release about the forthcoming ban in Wales: "In a liberal society you have to be careful about what you ban. I don't smoke, and nor do I intend to, but I'm uneasy about a blanket ban because it sets a dangerous precedent about the reach of the state." Thanks, Lembit, for having the guts to stand up and be counted.

The artistic director of the Wales Theatre Company is allegedly miffed that the Welsh Assembly has banned actors from lighting up on stage. (In England, film and theatre stages are exempt if prohibition conflicts with the "artistic integrity" of the performance.) The South Wales Echo reports that, "Despite being a vociferous anti-smoking campaigner, Michael Bogdanov said he would rather his actors be able to smoke."
So, let me get this right. Bogdanov is a "vociferous anti-smoking campaigner" but he's less happy when the ban directly affects HIM. They just don't get it, do they? If you currently support a ban on smoking in ALL public places you are effectively supporting a ban everywhere else, including stage, car and home, because that's where this level of intolerance is leading us.
You also risk increasing restrictions on our eating and drinking habits, our ability to travel when and where we want and a host of other freedoms because, if we don't stop these assaults on our liberties now, we will all be steamrollered by an unstoppable bandwagon otherwise known as the nanny state. Are you listening, Michael Bogdanov?

Reader Comments (2)
This country is getting worse. My Husband, who is a smoker went to a local Garden centre and there are signs saying NO SMOKING this is an EU Ruling !! How pathetic is this country getting? Even outside? Cars and trucks do far more harm.
Smoking at the Airports. I do hope that the Baa or Caa will really please take into consideration if there are any long delays that many passengers will get very upset if they cant have a ciggie. Its so pathetic and surely drink is worse than 1 ciggie to calm ones nerves. ?