Let her eat cake

"We all know what it is like to be tempted. I cannot even go into a cake shop because I know exactly what will happen." Conservative peer Baroness O'Cathain speaking against Lord Borrie's "compromise" amendment in yesterday's debate on the tobacco display ban.
She went on to say: "The amendment is just a mid-way stop between the Government’s position and a free-for-all. I actually support the Government in this."
Next logical step: a ban on the point of sale display of cakes.

You couldn't make it up. On the subject of vending machines, here's what Baroness Barker had to say: "My Lords ... the evidence base here is quite clear; in fact, I will add to it. A wholly unscientific poll (my emphasis) of every adult smoker I have spoken to in the past month has come up with a 100 per cent result: they all think that vending machines are a complete anachronism." What sort of evidence, clear or otherwise, is that?!!
Reader Comments (9)
So this is the the "world wise" sort of wisdom that we we expect from Both houses .
I did not know Mrs Beaton wrote a book on government for young ladies.
Obviously she did.
God help us.
You go into a cake shop to buy cakes. All she's actually managing to argue for is to ban tobacconists without realising it.
I agree this is heading towards prohibition.
In reality you cannot successfully prohibit anything.
The same old mistakes made over and over again.
How naive .
If this is not a wake up call for the UK's 12 million smokers, please tell me. Perhaps those who wallow in guilt or inaction might get a backbone and start doing something about it. The "heroine-isation" of tobacco below and extra provenance as it is lifted from ASH's website. I think I need a rant on Dick Puddlecote or Devil's Kitchen to practice my Anglo-Saxon.
"..Irish MEP Avril Doyle has called for legislation to make it illegal to sell cigarettes and cigars within the European Union by 2025."
"What sort of evidence, clear or otherwise, is that?!!"
The words themselves have ceased to matter. Meaning is an irrelevant detail and emotional-manipulations rule. Present a ludicrous case in a sincere voice and the unthinking will fall into step believing it must all be for their own good.
When did the rest of the UK become brainwashed and how come the likes of people here and other such sites have managed to avoid, so far, the brainwashing that appear to be happening?
I, personally, cannot think of any other way so many people in the UK have been completely sucked in! It stinks - far worse than any tobacco smoke!
Was that Barker or Barking .....? I think those of us with half a brain know the answer.
Lyn People on this site and others are not allowing themselves to be brainwashed because we are now a rare breed called 'freethinkers'.
And HMG does not like that one bit.