Have you RSVP'd yet?

We have a handful of tickets left for our Smoke-Free England? party at Boisdale on Tuesday (June 24).
The event marks the first anniversary of the smoking ban in England. We are holding it in advance of July 1st to give journalists an opportunity to speak to a wide range of smokers from different backgrounds who are opposed to the ban and who believe there should be amendments to the legislation.
If you want to come and have not yet RSVP'd, don't delay. Email or telephone Georgina on 01223 270156 (office hours).

Reader Comments (3)
I'd like to meet other people who have been posting on this blog. Could someone who has been to Boisdale's before suggest a suitable spot?
Maybe we could wear badges, if it's not too anti-libertarian :-)
I have said this before and i will reiterate once more, it is not the anti smoking brigade that we have to blame for the draconian ban being imposed on us by parliament, it is not the labour party who is primarily at fault either as it was a cross party vote,nor does it make sense to adopt a fringe party because you wish for the ban to be amended. We the smokers are at fault for believing what was implied in the party manifestos and not voicing our opinion loud enough to make our mp`s listen prior to the vote taking place. There is only one way to modify the ban and that is to become involved in the main stream parties and to emphasise the fact that the all out ban is killing communites at thier very core.I do not see any change in the total ban unless we are prepared to stand up and be counted, our problem as Englishmen is we are like sheep and do as we are told. We must change legislation from within, in effect become more actively involved in the primary parties within the country. it is the same old story we grumble and moan about things but when it is time for us to do anything constructive we do absolutely nothing.I personally feel for all the mature people i now see stood outside of venues in order to have a cigarette, in fact i think it is discusting that these same people having worked and contributed to the country most of thier lives are now made to feel like lepers within thier own communities. As i have said it is not the labour party, it is not the conservatives nor the liberal democrats either it is all of them and the complacency of the 10 to 12 million smokers within the country, in effect,we have ourselves to blame no one else.