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History of smoking

This morning I spent an hour at Butlers Wharf in London, a stone's throw from Tower Bridge and City Hall, checking out boats for future Forest events. (Yes, boats. We like to explore every option.)

In the afternoon I had a meeting at the Museum of London (above) to discuss a forthcoming history of smoking exhibition.

The curator rang us a week ago to see if Forest had anything to contribute. I offered one of our "Fight the ban: fight for choice" ashtrays, a selection of Forest postcards, and some quotes from famous smokers. I also threw in a copy of the Forest/Boisdale CD You Can't Do That! (Songs For Swinging Smokers).

Yesterday I was shown a plan of the exhibition. It's an odd mix of things. There are illustrations, artefacts and health warnings (including an anti-smoking video). Photographer (and Forest supporter) Dan Donovan has contributed a handful of images, while another, less aesthetic, feature is a substantial collection of discarded cigarette butts - a consequence, as we know, of the indoor smoking ban.

The exhibition will be in the foyer of the museum for three months from July 1st.

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