Ireland: how stupid is that?

The Irish tobacco control lobby has launched a new campaign aimed at discouraging young people from smoking. It's called - wait for it - Teens Are Stupid, it features a fictional character called Corporate Tobacco Man, and it's as subtle as a flying brick.
Full story HERE.
Reader Comments (13)
I heard Martin Dockrell on the Radio yesterday talking on about youth smoking and how Big Tobacco's advertising makes smoking appear cool. Why are we back on youth smoking all of a sudden and advertising bans? I thought banning smoking in cars and al fresco bans was the current fad in the crazy world of anti smoking. Have I missed something?
Quote from video TC man
"We arre increasing the concentration of nicotine in our cigarettes each year"
Yes I noticed that west2. The nicotine content of a cigarette has dropped along with the tar yield. At present the average nicotine content is 0.9mg, and isn't going anywhere.
So we see again the deranged anti-smoking zealots at work. Meanwhile, the 'useful idiot' Irish MPs carry on as usual, just like ours.
I clicked on HERE in Simon's post to have a look at the site. I would recommend having a look. The whole thing really is a joke. There is supposed to be a comments section for teenagers, but to get to it you have to fight your way through a morass of YouTube and Facebook sign ons and self-promoting adverts. When you do get there, you find maybe a dozen comments from teenagers over the last month or so, some of which are employees of the charity. Some of the comments reveal Irish teenagers to be anything but stupid. It seems to me to have had the impact of a wet balloon.
From the teensarestupid website
'Asthma attacks in asthmatics are caused by smoking'
'Smoking causes leukemia'
'Peptic ulcers are caused by smoking'
Such wording implies that smoking is the only cause of these diseases, which is clearly a lie - Anyone know who to complain to
"Anyone know who to complain to ?"
There's no-one, really, Tich.
Even though The Management likes to PRETEND it welcomes 'feedback' from the Shop Floor via its thoughtfully-provided Suggestion Box.
The Big Lie has become as much a fact of modern institutional life as The Big Society is threatening to become THE theme of Co-Prime Minister Cameron's first tour of duty.
Both, I fear, are inimical to The Free Society.
And when Miliband (either will do) becomes Labour Leader, Tony Blair's policy of 'triangulation' will be complete.
But perhaps 'Trinity' would be a better word to describe our modern governance - with all its implications of Heaven On Earth.
Unless you're a True Conservative.
Or a True Liberal.
(A coalition of which MIGHT be worth supporting)
Its time now that the tobacco companies turned the tide on the mind bending propagandists of the Irish Tobacco Control lobby and released a similar type video depicting the unhealthy relationship between some members of the irish govt and the pharmacutical companies and in particular the manufacturers of nicorete, seeing that they're playing that game, let both sides play dirty and maybe then some real facts will emerge, after all a certain Mr Martin is reputed to have some interests.
Anyway enough already, but fear of the taxman has kept a lot of mouths shut in this country but hopefully all will be revealed in the end.
The Big Lie - A Coda.
(With Simon's permission)
I've just been sent a rather interesting document (425 pages) about the '9/11' Myth - which, of course, is still being used to justify the slaughter of our young men and countless thousands of innocent civilians.
Extracts (and 'news' to some of you, perhaps):
"President George W. Bush signed secret National Security order No. W1993eye telling FBI agents as well as defense intelligence officers that if they tried to stop Al Qaeda they would be ARRESTED under national security implications ......"
"FBI director John O’Neill was so furious that he quit after the Bush administration BLOCKED his investigation of Osama bin Laden......"
"MARVIN BUSH was director of SecuraCom/Kroll which provided electronic security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles airport, all three of which were involved in the 9/11 attacks................."
"The Head of Security position offered to Mr. O’Neill was for the World
Trade Center. His first week on the job was the week of September 11th 2001......."
Ever heard of Bribery and Corruption ?
And I'll give you three guesses as to WHO is funding the Taliban (gotta keep the pot boiling, folks).
My point ?
If our Masters are prepared to tell lies on THIS scale, why do you imagine they'd lose any sleep over a few little fibs about Nasty Tobacco ?
And still people don't get it..............................................
One of the suposedly ridiculous statements by the tobacco industry (in1996) on the web site is "one to two glasses of whole mlik each day is more dangerous than second hand smoke". It's quite likely that's actually true.
Fredrik, I presume we are back on teens smoking because they now are. They are behaving as we all did - taking great pleasure in doing what they are told not to; and that ridiculous video will have got even more of them smoking. When I look at my nieces' facebook pages I am completely baffled by the comments of them and their friends. They seem very sophisticated and clever and are communicating in what is effectively a foreign language. That campaign is embarrassing. Remember when the decline in sales of blue denim jeans was put down to the Jeremy Clarkson effect. I predict the increase in youth smoking will be put down to the ridiculous video and black market caused by enormous duty increases effect.
"I heard Martin Dockrell on the Radio yesterday talking on about youth smoking and how Big Tobacco's advertising makes smoking appear cool." Errr - Fredrick - exactly where is BT allowed to advertise these days? Seems to me that Dockrell is talking Balls and using pre-tobacco advertising ban propaganda because ASH has simply run out of valid reasons to continue whinging.
This reminds me of the now defunt "Get respect, use a condom" campaign, where it's obvious the architects of the campaign think teenagers are so stupid they'll look to adverts to understand how to get respect from their peers.
With this advert is obvious that whoever came up it thinks teenagers are too stupid to see what they're trying to do. I suspect the net result of airing this advert will be MORE teenagers taking up smoking.
The phrase 'teens are stupid' sounds as though they're addressing five year olds rather than teens.
If I'd been fed that kind of line when I was a teen, it would have just made me rebel against the jerk that was trying to put me down.
The antis never seem to understand youth at all. I agree with RTS. Certainly in my teenage era, this campaign would have increased smoking among teens.