David Davis supports smoke ban review

Former Shadow Home Secretary David Davis has become the latest MP to sign the Early Day Motion calling for a review of the smoking ban. EDM 406, which was tabled earlier this month by Conservative MP Brian Binley, now has the support of 26 MPs.
Reader Comments (17)
Good man. A rare politician, actually believes in civil liberties.
Thank goodness for some good news this morning! After reading two articles in The Guardian today, I've been feeling very low. I tried to post them here but couldn't get past the catchpa.
So he's not selective about which civil liberties he defends, after all.
Good news.
Yes, good news. Shame my MP Karl McCartney (CON) won't sign it. He indicated support for choice on the issue - as well as indicating support for the other side. On the fence, one might say. He did say he wouldn't sign the EDM because he felt it "wasn't a particularly effective means of expressing concerns."
I did ask if, therefore, he would show his support and sign up to the save our pubs and clubs, I'd be interested to know if he has because he hasn't replied to me. I hear he does like the occasional cigar but I have no idea if he is a smoker.
At least one of our Lincolnshire MPs Edward Leigh has signed the EDM and is true to his word. When I interviewed him last February, he said he missed smoking in pubs because without it they were no longer "cozy". Mr Leigh is a non-smoker.
Just for info... very good debate here about ban. Some excellent and intelligent comments... (some not so, but there you are... )
Anybody who hasn't got their MP to sign the EDM 406. Write and get them to do it.
Mark B - thanks for that. I saw that one yesterday. As you say, some great comments underneath. On an aesthetic note... does anyone know where you can get an ashtray like the one pictured? I love that ashtray.
I also know two other Tory MPs who have spoken to Brian privately and offered support.
David Davis is widely respected in the Conservative Party and many people think he should have a cabinet post, me too.
Pat, I do not want a UKIP/Tory spat but Karl did say in his letter that he supports an amendment. One of the two MPs who will not sign EDMs was appalled at Nick Clegg's intransigence when I told him last week.
There now must be at least 10% of the Tory party who publically have stated that they want an amendment.
For a list of MPs that have signed see
Apparently only backbenchers can sign EDMs.
Dave - I haven't mentioned UKIP. They can't help us now and we have to live with what we've got - at least until the next election.
I felt Karl was on the fence, particularly because of his reply that he also acknowledges that the ban led to 22% of people quitting. I'd be more persuaded by his "support" if I knew he'd shown it somewhere like the SOPAC campaign.. Why am I being unreasonable in asking for this? My vote next time would not go to UKIP but to the Tories (ie Karl) if they just start listening and acting on this issue. This issue took me to UKIP and nothing else. This issue will still determine my vote - and nothing else - next time.
10% of Tories in support is a start, that's all. It's not great. I'm sure there are 10% of all parties - including Laborites - who would support it. I don't count support that is whispered - only that which is demonstrated, such as the non-smoking MP Edward Leigh who is most definitely NOT on the fence. He IS on the side of choice.
I fear you would defend the Tories whatever their stance on this issue, although I respect the hard work you do in trying to get them to realise that it is an issue at all.
"10% of the Tory party who publically have stated that they want an amendment."
BTW, where is this support "publically" stated?
Good man, David Davies!! He's an influential figure in the party - hopefully a few waverers will be emboldened by his support.
Unfortunately I see mine still hasn't signed despite a written assurance that he would.
I just thought that I would let people know that the 'smoking' thread' on Your Freedom is back! How odd!
I was very disappointed when David Davis wasnt made PM, I would always trust a smoker over those clean cut politically correct vote chasing types.
Not wanting to burst anyone's bubble re the 10% of Tory's who want an amendment, but what if this turns out to be another con or PR exercise i.e. the bottom line in the long run being that they'll play around with us by allowing just 10% of MP's to sign for amendment and then turn around and tell us the numbers just didnt add up, there wasnt enough to swing the vote.
As they do!
David Davis was the one who resigned his seat, and ran for it again protesting against loss of Civil Liberties, and won it, wasn't he? But the smoking ban wasn't one of his lost civil liberties!
ann - you are so right. It is because of the false hopes and promises - such the Freeeedom bill and great repeeaaal bill for example - that makes me very wary of supporting anyone who does not demonstrate support for us and that is my point about Karl MacCartney. Anyone can say anything but it's what they DO that really matters.
I'm fed up of getting my hopes up only for some dickhead like Cleggy to pull the sanctimonious rug from under those hopes. Nothing less, for me anyway, that 60% of Tory or any party demonstrative support will do before I begin to support them!.
All good news is welcome, of course.
But, given that a majority of Tory MPs voted against the Ban in its entirety, why are there not now AT LEAST 200 publicly expressing approval of - if not actually DEMANDING - a little old 'amendment' ?
Or have THEY 'moved on', too ?
Frankly, the Conservative Leadership's position on this whole issue since the face-saving expedient of a 'free vote' (which the Antis were bound to win) has been distinctly dodgy.
Pat is right to be sceptical...........................................