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Have I got good/bad news for you

The London Evening Standard yesterday reported that "the smoking ban will not be pro-actively enforced in the West End" (full story HERE). In a suspicious outbreak of common sense, Westminster councillor Audrey Lewis said: "Our approach has always been to educate people about it in advance, rather than all this nonsense about a 'smoking police' banging on your door."

Don't get too excited, though. "If people don't comply and defy the law we could get tougher," she added. Westminster is also the local authority that, a couple of months ago, announced that it might try to ban smoking outside pubs and clubs in residential areas because of "noise pollution".

Reader Comments (2)

Women in parliment who have this false sense of power.
They go in each day and come up with the most stupid ideas. They are being allowed to dable in the non significant things like getting smoking banned.
When it comes right down to it, women of all people should really take a long look at what they are doing to our society.
Banning smoking is not the way forward people will smoke and if tobacco was banned,(unlikey because of the revenue the government gets) we would end up with a black market for it.
To be honest I get fed up going into pubs and seeing two thirds of the pub dedicated to non smokers and that part being empty, while the smokers are all in the other third of the pub. Public houses and smoke go hand in hand and all this ban is going to do is to put more people out of business. I will not patronise a place that wants me to pay the same as a non smokers who will be sitting in comfort by the log fire, while I will be expected to sit out in the cold, rain, wind, fog, snow .............

June 8, 2007 at 12:06 | Unregistered Commenteronlyme

I have no objection to women in parliament. It's just the wimmins I can't stand.

June 8, 2007 at 20:30 | Unregistered CommenterBasil Brown

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