Who is Ashmob?

Saw this link on Christopher Snowdon's website. Ashmob - what a great idea. But I can't find any contact details. Can anyone help?
Update on Wednesday, February 18, 2009 by
Simon Clark

It's all coming back to me. The man behind Ashmob, Alexi Duggins, interviewed me in April 2007 (prior to the smoking ban) for a magazine called Total:Spec. The first (only?) Ashmob event took place on 30 June 2007. According to Metro, "In London's Covent Garden, dozens of smokers held an Ashmob – based on flash mobbing where hundreds of people create a seemingly spontaneous event. The smokers all lit up simultaneously at 2pm and waved placards reading 'Roll up, Roll up' and 'Sex, Cigs and Rock & Roll'." Now, wouldn't it be fun to do something like that to mark Forest's 30th anniversary?!

Reader Comments (1)
This is the email address:
Also Dick Puddlecote is going from strength to strenth.