Martin Cullip: to thine own self be true

Last Saturday I drew attention to the fact that Martin Cullip, a face if not a name familiar to some readers of this blog, is standing in Sutton & Cheam on behalf of the Libertarian party. Martin writes a column for The Free Society and today he explains why he is standing.
As ever, it's very well written and I urge you to read it. Here's a taste:
We are three leaders’ debates down and acres of column inches have been dedicated to the election, yet still there is barely a word from politicians about the restoration of civil liberties and personal freedoms which are much lamented by vast swathes of the public who feel they have no way of protest.
In fact, even protest itself has been restricted as part of nearly 4,000 new laws created since 1997. From selling a goldfish to a minor, through ID cards, at pain of imprisonment, for Shetland ponies (I kid you not), to arrest for photographers, and prohibiting anyone from looking at a cigarette packet, we are increasingly terrorised into meek submission.
Common law, which used to underpin our society through the court system, has been replaced by a regime of legislative micro-management of every aspect of our lives.
The answer to every problem – and every unintended consequence of previous legislation – is not repeal or amendment, but a blinkered belief that the only way forward is more regulation, more laws, more bureaucracy, more bans and more infantilising state intervention.
Full article HERE.
Reader Comments (9)
Martin sounds just the kind of MP we'd all want and I wish him all the best in his campaign.
If Pat still finds time to read "Taking Liberties" I'd like to wish her best of luck, too. I admire those who are prepared to stand as candidates in the bear-pit of politics.
"Common law, which used to underpin our society through the court system, has been replaced by a regime of legislative micro-management of every aspect of our lives."
Excellent, excellent, excellent !
And here I was thinking (presumtuously) that I was the only one in the Kingdom to have noted this ghastly development.
The Common Law is one of England's greatest contributions to the world.
The essential distinction between Common Law and Legislation ?
Common Law says: "Do it, BECAUSE....."
Legislation says: "Do it, OTHERWISE...."
How strange that all the lawyers in the House of Commons seem to have forgotten this fact.
How sad that most electors are totally unaware of it.
(Over to YOU, Mr Secretary of State for Edu-cay-shun).
Three cheers for Martin (good name, by the way) and may the gods bless his endeavours................
Since I haven't been following the 'debates', can anyone tell me WHICH pieces of legislation Messrs Cameron and Clegg are intending to throw upon the bonfire (the ONLY cure for Bureaucratic Constipation) ?
Can they put Arnott on top of it as well.
I doubt it.
Burning witches was made illegal in the 17th century I believe.
Specky -
They NEVER burned witches in England (except in Hammer movies).
Scotland, France, Germany, yes - but not here (or the American Colonies).
That particular treat was reserved for Heretics (like you and me).
I think that good old hemp rope will be sufficient.
And it saves the matches !
Don't say that, Arnott will be banning matches and lighters soon!
Sorry !
Just a Moment of Madness...............
Lovely piece by Martin. So good to hear what so many of us are feeling articulated so well. I'd vote for him!
Yes, Martin really does push all the right buttons.
It's what the politicians of the main parties DON'T say that truly illustrates their mindset.
The most crucial observation of his, however, is that:
"At times, it resembled a government which had declared war on its OWN people."
Isn't that exactly what has happened over these past few years ?
All this is happening in plain view, and senior politicians are quick to raise only one of two arguments in its defence:
a) IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD: WE have ALL the experts, facilities, and funds - which places us in a far better position to make judgements about the way Society should be run. WE are the Professionals, whilst the Electorate consists largely of untrained Amateurs. Whom would YOU rather trust ?
b) IT'S FOR YOUR PROTECTION: Government would be failing in its PRIMARY duty if it neglected to apply such measures as it deems necessary to guard against threats to both personal and national security.
Neither argument holds any water with people on this site, of course - but both are taken almost as gospel by the vast bulk of the population, who still derive most of their 'information' from the telly and the morning paper.
People need to get into the habit of trying a little Reverse Psychology from time to time, when it comes to governmental action (and apparent inaction, too).
Obvious Example:
People have NOT been losing their hard-won liberties here and in America in order to PROTECT them in a War on Terror.
The War on Terror was DEVISED precisely in order to DEPRIVE us of our liberties.
And until such simple - if unpleasant - truths THEMSELVES become part of public consciousness, little progress in the War on Liberty will be made.
Thankfully, there ARE some hopeful signs......
Its great to hear a voice of sanity like Martins that says exactly what we all think. We need more like him in govt.
I wish him the best of luck in getting elected