Lib Dems hit by attack ads

Seen on an ad van outside Lib Dem HQ in London this morning. Guido Fawkes has a picture of the van HERE.
It's one of six posters being unveiled by a group of businessmen who are concerned at the thought of a hung parliament and a Lib/Lab government. A second ad van is currently outside the University of Birmingham where tonight's leadership debate is being held.
How do I know this? Well, one of the businessmen is an old friend. More to follow.
Update on Thursday, April 29, 2010 by
Simon Clark

Reader Comments (7)
Well done Simon
Odd that you should post this as this morning I was thinking that it would have been an idea for smokers to produce billboard posters along the lines of "I used to vote Lib/Lab/Con until they threw me out of society" Guess we've missed the boat, now. sigh.
Or have we? Could Forest organise a fund, as OH did and organise this within days?
Joyce -
A most tempting proposition !
Apart from the predictable:
"Well, David/Jon/Jonathan/Martha/Rajneesh (pause for muted laughter) EVERYBODY knows that Forest is merely a front organisation for Big Tobacco, and so we mustn't be suprised that etc etc.....(Dracula and blood bank joke).........Now, on a more serious note regarding schools and hospitals and declining polar bear populations............."
Oh, hell - let's do it !!!
Brilliant poster (and idea), by the way !
Martin - yes, the response is predictable but it would show politicians the anger felt among smokers and inform smokers who are ignorant of it that resistance exists. It would also show the anti-smokers that smokers are becoming militant.
That's pretty puerile. Like Nick Clegg is the only politician with expenses issues!
Actually, Rose does have a point.
None of the Big Three has clean hands on the expenses issue.
Still a great poster, though.
As for the Mad Non-Mullah of Iran - the Other Bearded Monster on Poster No 2 - I feel a LOT safer with 'enemies' like Ahmadinejad than I do with 'friends' like Rumsfeld, Cheney, and five-star Pentagon generals with affectionate nicknames like 'Ironpants'.
Even if they DO have nice suits, and believe in God (and Mom's Blueberry Pie).
Silly, I know...................