Have we got a Guy News exclusive for you!

Thanks to Guido Fawkes for a sneak glimpse at this week's Guidogram which offers exclusive footage of the moment Nick Hogan was released from jail.
If you're not a subscriber you normally have to wait a few days to see the Guidogram. To avoid delay, click HERE.
Have a good weekend!
Reader Comments (9)
This Guidogram should be put on DVD and a copy sent to EVERY MP at Westminster, MSPs at Holyrood, and both the Northern Ireland and Welsh Assembly members with a note reminding them a General Election is due soon.
BRILLIANT video Guido.
PS. Send a copy to Deborah Arnott of ASH and Sheila Duffy of ASH Scotland, I'm sure they would enjoy it.
I can see know why the previous politicians from the 80's and before would not stray or allow themselves to be duped into the mad policies of the prohibitionist mindset.
Somethings stirring here.
People ,even the most ill informed are beginning to question the motives behind all of this.
The politicians are really taking hits on many many issues yet seem to be oblivious to the damage it's causing them.
Possibly because they are drawing from the MSM or their tight circle of advisors a very distorted view of how the man in the street regards these policies,and indeed the position, role and usefullness of politicians within society itself.
Resentment is expanding ,not receding.
Will there be anyone who smokes MAD ENOUGH to vote Labour?
Brilliant - now we have TV truth too - woo-hoo! Times are changing!
What a marvellous coup for civil liberties. This event needs to be maxed in the media to avoid dumbing down.
I wish Nick all the very best, and hope he does not shy away from letting his customers smoke in the future. One big poke in the eye for Big Brother!!!!
people are begginning to realise hat the politicians are all just worthless professional criminals and i hope all the small partys will do well next election.hmm how about a forest candidate?id vote for him or her.
Specky says "Resentment is expanding ,not receding."
I agree 100% with that statement and see it happening almost everyday now.
Read this one .
It is on the scrolling news on the forest homepage.
This column in the Scotsman is so vitriolic in "it's" wording I have no doubt in my mind that it was written for a possible set of motives.
1.It is a column bought and paid for in the same way an advertisement would be.
2.It is a propaganda attempt to make a person who smokes feel that their behavior is in some way abnormal to the percieved concensus of general public opinion.
3.It is a vitriolic attack on people who smoke by a bigot.
4.The writer is stark raving bonkers.
I actually believe No. 4 is the probable .
Anti smokers will be wearing badges soon.
The badge will say.
Anti smoker smokers stink or some sort of looney nonsense..
What the actuall thing the badge will say is this.
The ghastly hate article below.
Thanks for considering my thoughts.
Wonderful stuff !
(And STOP sulking - all you sourpusses out there !)