The scandal of MPs' expenses

When I heard that the Daily Telegraph had bought a disk containing every last detail of MPs' expenses, I couldn't wait to hear the evidence. I watched the Ten O'Clock News, then Newsnight, and I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.
Yes, there was a whiff of scandal about MPs claiming every penny they could (under the rules they themselves introduced), but I found it hard to get too excited about the cost of Gordon Brown's cleaner, or Jack Straw's council tax bill.
Compared to the extraordinary scenes involving Joanna Lumley and immigration minister Phil Woolas (pure political theatre, or should that be political Viagra?), the story of MPs' expenses seemed a bit, well, dull.
Where was the really big story? Where were the really juicy details? In the absence of a major revelation (ie a bona fide fraud by one or more Cabinet ministers) we seemed to be drowning in a sea of trivia.
This morning, having read page after page in the Telegraph, I've changed my mind. This is a huge story - institutionalised corruption on an unbelievable scale. Ironically, it's the trivial nature of many of the expense claims that illustrates just how bad it is.
For example, in an illuminating A-Z of expense claims, the Telegraph lists a handful of items for which MPs have been reimbursed. Now, I don't begrudge giving hard-working MPs a helping hand with essential items for a second home, but do they really need OUR money (yours and mine) for the following:
Ant killer, £3.99 (Conservative MP)
Barbecue, £6.14 (Labour MP)
Chocolate Santa, 59p (Welsh Labour MP)
Horse manure, £10 (Conservative MP)
Ikea carrier bag, 5p (Scottish Labour MP)
Ice cube tray, £1.50 (Labour Cabinet minister)
Flowers, £11.97 (Conservative MP)
Jaffa cakes, £1.60 (Labour junior minister)
Kit Kat, £2.50 (Labour MP)
Make-up mirror, £19.95 (Labour MP)
Maltesers, 45p (Labour MP)
Nappies, £5.65 (Labour minister)
Pet food, 78p and £3.69 (Conservative MP)
Pizza wheel, £3 (Conservative MP)
Piano tuning, £40 (former Tory minister)
Shampoo, £1.65 (Labour MP)
Tampax, £2.22 (Conservative MP, male)
Underfloor heating, £575 (Labour MP)
Wine rack, £14.99 (Labour MP)
Weed killer, £3.49 (Labour MP)
Yucca plant, £9.99 (Lib Dem MP)
Individually these items don't amount to much, but what they add up to is an institution and a body of people that has lost its moral compass.
Oh, MPs will claim that they haven't broken any rules, but no-one forced them to claim for non-essential items such as this. What were they thinking? Some of these claims are quite simply wrong, and anyone with half a brain should have known they were wrong (morally at least).
Not all MPs should be castigated. I believe there are some who have NOT played the system for all it's worth (and how I wish we could identify them). But this only emphasises the scandalous nature of their colleagues' behaviour.
Some MPs will claim they are victims of a media-inspired witchhunt. They need to see the bigger picture. This isn't an argument about a few pennies. It's far more important than that. It's about power, corruption, and the corrosive nature of Big Government. (First step: slash the number of MPs. Do we really need 600+?)
Meanwhile, if politicians are unable to distinguish the difference between right and wrong, or have knowingly crossed the line, there should be no place for them in the House of Commons (or any other chamber).
I don't anticipate any resignations, though. Do you?

Conservative Home has a copy of an email that the Commons authorities sent to MPs today. The Metropolitan Police have been asked to "consider the matter". They don't get it, do they? Whoever leaked the information has done the nation a service. See HERE.
Reader Comments (11)
Anybody else in a `normal' job would be sacked on the spot.It is blatant stealing. Full Stop!
My mother use to say that it was conservatives who had sex scandals and labourites who had money scandals. The claims for a 5p carrier bag and tampax seem consistent with this theory.
I wasn't aware that men needed Tampax.
I've lived such a sheltered life.
Just off to the pharmacy.....
It really doesn't surprise me. I bet the Lib Dem MP who bought the yucca plant was one of the ones who voted to ban smoking in pubs.
I can almost see his to-do list for the day. 1) Buy yucca plant, 2) Ban smoking.
Or maybe i) ban smoking, 2) Buy yucca plant.
I am more offended and outraged at the little amounts of 5p for a carier bag and 89p for a bath plug than I am at the cost of some MPs "fraudulent" second homes because it shows just how much they have been taking the Micheal.
MP = a free ride at taxpayer's expense. Disgraceful, scandalous, and morally criminal. When will this pillaging stop from a bunch of of what can only be described as thieves!!
As they say Pat, the only form of legalised robbery is Taxation - and who spends the taxes that are collected?
These dishonest MPs are worse than any benefit fraudsters or "scroungers". I believe they steal more from the taxpayer in one year than Frank Gallagher's friends and neighbours combined on the Chatsworth Estate.
Just back from the pharmacy.
These Tampax thingies are most uncomfortable.
Can't see the point in 'em meself.
Ah well, each to their own.
Scratch that.
My wife has just informed me that you need to take them out of the box first.
Much better.
Apparently they have called in the Police to investigate the leak of expenses. Bet it's not the fraud squad!!
It would be interesting to know who these parasites are, as they will probably be given knighthoods. Remember, when a Labour candidate lost a safe seat in Blaenau Gwent constituency she was elevated to the Peerage. Nothing should surprise us about politicians.