Today Matthew I'm going to be ... 50!

I'm not sure if I should admit this but I'm 50 today. That's right. Fifty. F.I.F.T.Y.
I was going to treat you to a long rambling post on the subject of ageing, of how being 50 differs from, say, 25, or how, when I was young, 50 seemed positively old with little to look forward to other than hardened arteries and early retirement.
Instead, I shall treat myself to a packet of Wellman 50+ (as advertised in the Oldie), available from Boots, pharmacies, Waitrose, Tesco, health stores, Holland & Barrett and
That, a bottle of champagne and an extremely large piece of cake. Cheers!
Reader Comments (11)
Congratulations and Happy Birthday Simon, I will be joining you in 18 months time. My treat will be a bottle of claret and a very large roll up.
Happy birthday Simon.
I'm 52 next week. Does not seem long ago I was 22!!
My wife and I are attending the Boisdale (Belgravia) on Wednesday and Thursday 12th & 13th March.My birthday treat. You coming Simon,Dave A? and anyone else?
Peter, should be able to do Thursday, what time?
Hi Dave
We'll be there 6.30 pm onwards.
I'll have my named F2C badge on my jacket.
Look forward to it.
Happy Birthday, Simon, you've a long way to go yet!
I see you are subsribing to the hard pressed pharmo's, and thought I'd look at ingredients of the Wellman product. [So now we know what "Wellness" is!] Very glad to see that Niacin, aka Vitamen B3, aka good old fashioned Nicotine, is among them. A wacking great 36 mg per tablet. However, I see their recommended daily dose is actually 200 mg. As you are now deprived of all tobacco-smoke filled indoor areas, perhaps you could have a cigar in the evenings to make up the recommended daily dose?
Best of luck for the future. Many Happy Returns.
Peter, James,
Have fun.
“For this is as desultory, complacent, self-reverential and ridiculous a venture as you will find, and now as woefully anachronistic (£47.50 for a 12oz fillet steak!) as dreams of a Stuart Restoration. For all the nightly live jazz, walk-in humidor and vast selection of whiskies, this is an upmarket Angus Steak House for credulous Americans, expenses-laden MPs and that breed of sonorous dullard who refers to "the PC brigade" without irony but isn't quite posh enough for Wiltons.”
Sonny D
Happy Birthday Simon, and as my late Mother would have said, you are now in your 51st year! You now have much to look forward to as well. It should not be too long before the legs begin to stiffen while other things take longer! Then the unexplainable little muscle pains which suddenly appear somewhere, and while you are wondering what it is, it has gone again. Of course, the skin will never fit as well again. Never mind, it is the increased wisdom which makes up for it, the only downside being that you wished you knew as much when you were half your age. There are new entitlements. You can now be a grumpy old man with full impunity, and you may as well be a dirty old man as well, because it is expected of you! Simon, welcome to the over 50s club, and don't forget the cheaper car insurance.
A very slightly belated birthday greeting to you.
[Underpriced supermarket cider-can raised to screen prior to, ooh, I don't know, heading off for a good old riot or something]
I do understand where you are comming from Sonny D.But what the hell! It's only once in a blue moon.Change is a good as a rest.
Many happy returns Simon.
Dont dispair because 50 is now the new 40 and dressing down is the new dressing up, just like staying in is the new going out.
Howsever your far too young to be outragious yet.
You've a long way to go boy!
Sonny, I have been to Boisedale probably over 20 times. The cigar terrace is terrific, the service excellent, the wine list is superb with prices you expect for central London and the food outstanding. The smoked salmon is to die for and the bands/musicians if you like jazz and the blues are wonderful.
To cater for all tastes on Fridays when they have Reuben Richards who is soul/funk. Everyone looked up from their food and drink and were bopping along. I play the piano and I am sure tongue in cheek said I could have a spot on one of his numbers in the future.
I am really not being a sychophant/brownnoser but if you fancy a great night out, eating, drinking, smoking, listening to music and a great atmosphere, I could not recommend a better place. A couple of Fridays back I arrived at 4.00 pm in the afternoon and the staff threw me out at 1.00 am closing time.