Memo to the Tories ... let's be fair about this

On ConservativeHome today shadow health minister Mike Penning explains why he is against a ban on the display of tobacco. See HERE.
I'm delighted that the Tories are against a point of sale display ban. There's another side to this, however. For example, Penning admits he was a "keen supporter of the smoking ban, and will continue to advocate practical initiatives to reduce smoking".
Practical? How about "fair and reasonable"? After all, it may be "practical" to ban smoking in every pub in the country, but is it fair and reasonable?
This morning I took a call from a psychiatric patient in Scotland who is concerned that the Scottish government intends to follow England and ban smoking rooms in psychiatric hospitals. Again, it may be "practical" (ie it can be done) but is it fair ... or reasonable?
Hats off to Penning - for now. Let's hope that once in power the Conservatives review Labour's war on tobacco and come up with policies that acknowledge the rights of smokers and non-smokers alike.
Reader Comments (7)
Another indoctrinated prat. The amazing belief that the smoking ban has been successful,and
has not been responsible for the loss ofthousands of jobs, pubs and clubs is beyond comprehension. At no time in the past during recessions and hard times did these places close in great numbers. Come July 2007, the mass demolition started. It cannot be denied by anyone, anywhere, who looks at the closure statistics.
So this man wants to save business? Start with the smoking ban. I think it's just another nit-picking poke at the opposition. That's their job. Truth doesn't come into it.
The Tories will play the middle ground untill the next election and then probly carry on where Nu labour left off. The only light at the end of the tunnel is that the country will be virtually bancrupt and, touch wood, ASH and there ilk will get little or no funding.
Wouldn't rely on the Tories for anything.
Wouldn't rely on the Tories for anything.Says Mark.
Quite right too Mark, put your trust in the good 'ol lefty Labourites, you can't go wrong there, can you mate?????????
Pass the sick bag Alice.....
Personally, I think to vote for any one of the 3 major parties at the next election would be a bit like playing Russian Roulette!
With regard to the psychiatric patient in Scotland who called you, what was your suggestion as to the actions that the person could take.
The Tobacco Control Division has published a Consultation Document that contains a high level of misinformation that the average person will not be aware of. This Document has been intentionally created just like earlier Consultation Documents to force through the next stage of their agenda for total control.
Come to think of it, what is Forset doing with regard to a submission considering the flawed data within the Document?
You can talk until the cows come home,present your evidence that passive smoking is not a killer but you will not change the minds of the present Labour government.The only way is to divide and conquer and that can be achieved by telling you local MPs that you will not vote for them and effectively make them unemployed like the thousands who have already lost their jobs in the horpitality trade "CAN'T SMOKE. WON'T VOTE"
So Peter, i take it you believe the Tories will be the saviour of the smoker?
Pass me a wall, i'd like to bang my head....