Defend our freedom to fly

Modern Movement has been founded to campaign for "Faster, Cheaper, Better Transport for All". The opposite, in fact, of Plane Stupid and other "environmental" groups.
Today, on The Free Society website, MM co-founder Suzy Dean argues that everyone should have the freedom to fly. Instead:
There seems to be revulsion among some sections of society for the fact that this once said luxury is now available to the masses. Criticism of mass-flying has been aimed squarely at the less well off – who are likely to take a cheap flight – rather than just anybody who may be taking a flight.
Criticism of mass flying may be dressed up in environmental clothing, says Suzy, "but it doesn’t take much to see that behind the scientific jargon is a dislike of the fact that flying is now something that everybody can enjoy".
Full article HERE. For information about Modern Movement's "Support Airport Expansion" demon in London on Thursday, click HERE.
Reader Comments (3)
Let me see, what was that old song, oh yes -
It's the rich what gets the pleasure it's the poor what gets the blame.
Wellcome to greenie world where the deserving and undeserving poor have been redefined in terms of their environmental sustainability. Dirt poor- good- don't consume anything at all and can be used as fertilizer when they starve to death.
Poorer first world residents - bad - consume all sorts of crap and have absolutely no fashion sense, to be eliminated.
If you think this is a joke read some of what these atrocious tree hugging little beggars have to say for themselves.'twats%11only'-activity-holidays-200901281539/
What a crock of smelly stuff. Let's use poor people as an excuse for rich people carrying on with their selfish lifestyles ...
Please. Spare me from this hypocrisy.