Pound stretches the truth

Stephen Pound MP used to be a supporter of Forest. Today, writing in the Independent, he explains (not for the first time) "why I threw away my cigarettes the day after voting for the ban". He did the same the day after the vote (in February 2006) when he appeared on the Today programme to announce his sudden flip-flop conversion.
Pound's "moment of epiphany" was apparently the result of listening to Deborah Arnott of ASH ("calm and realistic") and Dr Richard Taylor, "the independent MP for the Wyre Forest, who was scarily scientific in his description of the foul chemical-sodden composition of what I had thought was sun-dried organic Virginia tobacco".
Ignoring the evidence on passive smoking (which a House of Lords committee subsequently confirmed did NOT justify a comprehensive ban), Pound chose to conclude that "while I had a right to kill myself slowly I had no such right to visit a long, lingering and agonising death on those around me".
Politicians are busy people and it is understandable if, on occasion, they take their cue from one or two so-called "experts". When, however, you are about to vote on an issue that could have serious social and economic consequences for millions of people, surely you do a bit more research?
Politicians. Don't you just love 'em. Full article HERE.

Reader Comments (4)
Pound is typical and proves the true saying that there's no one as anti as the reformed smoker. I dont know what it is about these people they remind me of the cults that have suddenly found god or some new therapy and insist on shoving it down your neck whether you like it or not.
Life sure is getting crazier by the day. What do you think of the latest smoking ban in Holland out today. Smoking a cigarette is now illegal in cafe's and pubs while drugs are acceptable. No wonder people are moving on to illegal drugs. Last week an irish national newspaper reported that holland was the latest country to adopt the EU smoking law, we were led to believe it was an innovative irish law accompanied with massive fanfare and mutual backslapping. Do they feel safe in revealing now its a law from their paymasters. I think a lot of people have copped on to eu interference and it was probably a major contribution to the no vote. People feel powerless against the barrage of information and hype and are unable to argue against the health and safety brigade. The smoking ban was akin to the lisbon treaty in that politions of all the major parties told us it was good for us, no wonder people were suspecious and as for being grateful to the eu, all you have to do is look at the dreadful state of our economy which has finally been admitted by the govt last week that we are now in recession while the dogs in the street knew this 12 months ago. We are all being treated like idiots. As in england there is nothing to choose between political parties, we need a dramatic revamp of the political system otherwise where the hell are we all heading, will it take years to happen or will it ever?
Sadly it is becoming almost impossible for most people to find the truth out about issues connected with smoking. On R5Live this morning at 6.40 am, Professor Robert West of CRUK appeared to make the claim that smoking bans are linked to an immediate drop in coronary incidence "even among non-smokers". I say "appeared to" as I only heard it once and the programme is not yet available online. Anyway, why should Joe public doubt a Professor, who works for a "charity" and who has been been allowed several minutes of air time by the BBC? Two years ago I wouldn't have doubted him.
Does one need to waste words here?
He's another prat.
Further to jon's post, I happened, unusually (honest) to switch on TV yesterday morning to find myself tuned into The Wright Stuff(?). Was about to wwitch off (honest) when they said they were about to discuss whether the smoking ban was the best thing that had ever happended to mankind since the dawn of time. Their panel of experts (Richard Farley, Ray Quinn and an actress from a soap) unanimously agreed that it was wonderful. I managed to get through to the phone-in number to add a bit of balance to the 'debate'. After making my point to the person and after a stunned silence I was told that someone would get back to me. You can guess the rest....