Drugs: where do we draw the line?

Another guest at the Forest party on Tuesday was Suzy Dean, a journalist and writer who works for the Manifesto Club and is behind tonight's debate, "Drugs: Where Do We Draw The Line?".
Speakers include consultant psychiatrist Swaran Singh; Marcus Roberts, director of policy at DrugScope; and James Douglass, who has conducted postgraduate research into drug cultures and has written for the Independent, Guardian and Spiked.
To coincide with the debate, James has written THIS article for The Free Society.
For full details of the event click HERE.
PS. I intended to go to tonight's event - until I remembered that I have tickets to see Lou Reed's Berlin at the Royal Concert Hall in Nottingham. I can't be in two places at one time but if anyone wants to go to the Manifesto Club Night and post a report on this blog, please do.

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