What planet is ASH on?

This week's issue of the Economist, out today, reports that Britain is more hostile to tobacco than any other country in Europe and asks the question "How much harder will life get for smokers?"
My colleague Neil Rafferty is quoted. So too is Amanda Sandford of ASH. Not content with the long list of anti-smoking measures that have been introduced already (or are in the pipeline), ASH would also like to restrict the number of cigarettes smokers can bring back from holiday. Doh!
The reason the government changed the guidelines in 2002 and increased the amount of tobacco smokers could bring into the country is because the old "guidelines" (rigidly enforced) invited a smuggling epidemic, the Treasury haemorraged £3 billion a year, and ordinary cross-Channel shoppers were regularly harrassed by over zealous Customs officials. (Welcome back to Britain!) Is that what ASH wants to happen all over again?
Full article HERE. The magazine is inviting comments. Over to you.
Reader Comments (3)
Regarding ASH wanting to restrict the number of cigarettes smokers can bring back from holiday. I predicted this some months ago, but when I mentioned it, most other people shouted me down, telling me that it was impossible, as we are a part of the EU and so we must have the same rules, regulations etc.
Who do these poor fools think they are kidding? Our country (or is it?) takes only the rules and laws, and regulations, of the EU that it wants, and dumps upon us all the rules and restrictions that it wants.
Of course they will impose restrictions on the amount of tobacco goods that we can import into this country, it is, as they say, a dot on the card. I mean, it is only for our own good isn't it, and Nanny does know best doesn't she?
Our dopey Government, should take a look at what is happening in Canada, where they tightened up, like thumb screws, their rules and regulations with the smoking ban. Canada now has a smuggling epidemic on par with the old Prohibition days of the 1930s.
But there again, our dopey Government should try to take its head out of the sand and look at a lot of things. It is heading for disaster, big time, and it doesn't seem to be aware of it. The real problem is, that it is dragging us into that disaster pit along with it.
Absolutely, Peter !
But you forgot to mention Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition..................
Sorry - make that 'Opposition'.
Pleae pinch me, someone: this nightmare is going on just too long (will it EVER end ?).
I will let you know