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DNA - police want new powers

DNA_100.jpg Remarkable front page story in the Daily Mail yesterday. Difficult to know how much of it to believe (August is the silly season, after all) but the essence of it was that drivers stopped for speeding - or even failing to wear a seatbelt - could soon be placed on a DNA database for life. "The most trivial offences, such as dropping litter, would also lead to samples being taken under sweeping new powers which police are demanding."

The police believe that taking the a DNA sample - even in these circumstances - will make it easier to solve future crimes. A cartoon that accompanied the story featured a motorist saying to a policeman: "Honestly officer, I did not stick out my tongue at you ... I was merely offering a DNA sample." You've got to laugh. Or perhaps not.

Full story, which also appeared in the London Evening Standard on Wednesday, HERE.

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