Smokers' corner

As you can imagine, we get a lot of smoking-related correspondence (news, information and comment) that is not relevant to these blog posts. I am also keen that this blog is not dominated by smoking-related issues at the expense of the broader picture we are trying to paint. I have decided therefore to set up a separate section - called Smokers Corner - for smoking-related items that do not fit into the main journal. It begins today. Click HERE.
Reader Comments (13)
When a website run by Forest decides to stuff smokers into a "corner" then things are getting even worse than I thought.
If you want comments from everyone then keep up the good work carried our previously on your site, with interesting articles for all to comment on. Please don't let Forest alienate us as well.
I have noticed that since "smokers corner" was introduced no-one has bothered to comment on anything.
I have always been very supportive of FOREST since it was through its efforts that I came to realise that the passive smoking issue was a scam but I'm rather perplexed these days.
There's a story running online at the moment about the proprietors of a cafe in Blackburn who are insisting that its outdoor tables are reserved for its smoking customers. The comment offered by Neil Rafferty suggests that FOREST no longer offers firm support to smokers.
Having just sifted through the division lists of the smoking ban Bill I remain baffled as to how the gentle, British principle of live and let live has been so disdained by the majority of our MPs. Perhaps to focus completely on smoking is to exclude the wider, even more critical issue of the systematic withering of our traditions of political freedom and tolerance. Tyranny can slip in on the back of good causes. At various times religion, Catholic and Protestant, provided the vehicle. Then Communism. Now it's Health and good people stay silent as a licence is given to persecute and exclude. Meanwhile the traditional pub,habitat of independent and free-spirited people, vital and unsung bastion of free speech may have suffered a death blow, as regulation and control proliferates in other areas.
Brilliant post Norman, very well put
Remember this – the Labour Party Manifesto pledge in 2005?
‘We will legislate to ensure that all enclosed public places and workplaces other than licensed premises will be smoke-free. The legislation will ensure that all restaurants will be smoke-free; all pubs and bars preparing and serving food will be smoke-free; and other pubs and bars will be free to choose whether to allow smoking or to be smoke-free. In membership clubs the members
will be free to choose whether to allow smoking or to be smoke-free.’
Of course, as is now patently clear the Labour Party have completely dishonoured this pledge, and brought democracy into disrepute by bringing in a blanket ban!
Jobworth's in Bolton want to drag Nick Hogan along to their offices to explain why he won't adhere to the smoking ban. How about this...drag Labour Party ministers along instead, and ask them why they reneged on their manifesto promises!
Don't hold your breath!
If anyone wants a light-hearted look at smoking and the machinations of Government. then get a copy of "Yes Prime Minister" (S01E03 - The Smoke Screen) from the mid-eighties. I think the best way to handle the Jobsworths is to treat it all with a bit of humour and a certain amount of obfuscation.
I'm a pipe smoker and now make a point of walking into every station, pub and public building with my unlit pipe in my mouth, making nasty burbling noises. If every smoker were to do that,the local authorities would have such a hard time sorting it out, the law would be dropped or at least moderated within two years. Better than badges, T-shirts or lobbying your local MP.
Joyce wrote:
“The comment offered by Neil Rafferty suggests that FOREST no longer offers firm support to smokers.”
Yes, it seems that FOREST doesn’t offer support to smoker but SHELTER (smokers' corner).
I must say that I cannot understand what Forest is supposed to be doing. They suddenly tell us that too many people are posting only on smoking issues, so to combat this, they decide to stuff all smokers into a little corner, where we are all supposed to act like good boys and girls and not stir up too much trouble.
Then, in another aticle on this site, Forst tell us that they are looking for a hotel to break the law and let their delegates smoke there (or have I mis-read the piece?)
Is Forest for or against smokers? Make your mind up?
Let's hope that Gordon calls an election soon then us 12 million smokers can really sock it to him!
Using an imaginary species let’s take the following examples:
‘Androids may be received outside in the open air. They may have a canopy but must otherwise be largely unprotected from the elements at all times of the year.’
‘This includes frail and elderly Androids and Androids who are undergoing in-patient treatment.’
‘Androids may reside in a building only if they stay within separate living accommodation designated for them. Provision of this is a condition of their occupancy.’
‘ There will be no other dedicated facility for Androids.’
Now substitute any legal minority group for the word ‘Androids’.
Thus is illustrated the spirit of persecution.
I don't know if this is the correct place for this post - however - I just wanted to 'share' the latest bit of health scaremongering with you - apparently if you suffer with a bad back and are a smoker - it's because smoking may cause the capilliaries that carry oxygenated blood to the discs in your spine to constrict thereby cutting off vital oxygenated bloodflow and causing back pain!!! Or could it be due to having to stand out in cold, damp, wet and draughty places to have your fag breaks?? Or could it be due to the nature of your job i.e. hard physical labour?? It makes me so angry - not just the blanket ban, but the blanket - lets blame all the ills of the world on smoking and smokers - i just want to punch these people, i have never in my life been so angry that it has moved me to feel violent and i don't like it at all
... or could be from all the bending over backwards we've done to appease the anti-smokers, only to get shafted from behind...
sue b
Don't forget that the smoking ban will also result in even more people contracting skin cancer. In the last decade skin cancer has risen by about 43% and smokers are now being forced outside into the burning sun a have a fag.