Moaning minnies

Latest word on the Top Gear pipe smoking story comes from Ian O'Doherty. Writing in the Irish Independent, O'Doherty comments:
Jeremy Clarkson is one of those guys that you know you should loathe, but his ability to get up the noses of so many people is his one saving grace. The latest group of thin-skinned pygmies to have their precious feelings hurt come from the perennially pissed off anti-smoking brigade ASH, an organisation so shrill and petty that they make the good folk at Peta look like irresponsible party animals.
Full article HERE. Personally, I think it's marvellous the way ASH have reacted. It underlines just how humourless, po-faced and abnormal they really are. And stupid. Fancy commenting on something that was clearly intended as a joke! Get a life.
PS. If you haven't seen the clip yet, click HERE, and pass it on.

Reader Comments (1)
No 10 Petitions. Clarkson for PM. Already over 20,000 votes.