Comment moderation

In view of some of the comments that have appeared on a previous thread I have introduced comment moderation. I will update your comments as quickly as I can. It's a pain but it had to be done. Hopefully it won't be for long. On the other hand, perhaps I should have done this years ago!
Reader Comments (8)
Moderate this!
Don't worry Simon I won't leave a comment for you to moderate.
Howabout nominating a couple of known and responsible contributors to this blog to clear messages once in a while? Take the pressure off you Simon - although I do agree totally with your decision.
Thanks for the suggestion, Mark. I'll see how things settle down. This blog doesn't attract a huge number of comments and I have colleagues who can keep an eye on things if necessary.
PS. If I'm honest, I just liked the picture and needed an excuse to use it!
It is understandable but it makes blogging less fun and immediate. I have had to employ moderation a couple of times but I've always found it a pain.
Good luck in India btw. I was approached to go and would have loved to - especially if I had known you were going - but they changed their minds. Just as well, really, as I would have been in big shit as my eldest daughter's wedding in early Oct clashes with the date.
I'll look forward to reading your report. I hear there is to be a tour of tobacco plantations which is the bit I'd have enjoyed the most.
Sadly, Pat, I'm going to miss the tour of the plantations because I'll be at the Conservative conference in Birmingham! Moderation is a nuisance but if it keeps out the fruit and nut cases it's worth it. It only takes one to derail a blog so I'm amazed I haven't had to do it before.
Fascist! ;)
Maybe it's a good idea, you are now talking to us!
"Hopefully it won't be for long." Hopefully! I appreciate the reasons (natch) - but the sense of spontaneity's kinda gone .....