Bad laws must be challenged

The Scottish press reports that Imperial Tobacco, "one of the world’s largest tobacco firms", has launched a legal challenge against Scotland’s ban on displays of tobacco and cigarette vending machines.
According to the Scottish Daily Express, the company "is seeking to have the legislation set aside in a judicial review, claiming the measures are beyond the legal scope of Holyrood."
Imperial, said the Herald, believe that if the measures comes into force it would criminalise currently lawful activities over the sale and display of tobacco products.
What made me laugh, though, was the comment from Sheila Duffy, chief executive of "anti-tobacco charity" ASH Scotland:
"I am completely unsurprised at this attack on democracy by a major multinational tobacco company."
Ha ha! Let me remind Ms Duffy that the smoking ban was introduced despite opinion polls in Scotland (and England) demonstrating clear opposition to a comprehensive ban. And of the course the ban in England, Wales and Northern Ireland was introduced despite a Labour manifesto commitment for significant exemptions to the ban.
Fake charities like ASH embrace the concept of "democracy" only when it suits them.
I was unaware of Duffy's remark otherwise I may have responded to it. Instead, I gave the paper the following quote (they used the first para):
"There is no evidence that banning the display of tobacco will reduce youth smoking rates so there is no justification for a law that will inconvenience a large number of adult consumers and damage thousands of small retailers."
"The display ban has no purpose other than denormalising a legal product and stigmatising over a million adult consumers.
"Bad laws must be challenged and reviewed so we welcome this development."
Reader Comments (11)
Methinks the tide is beginning to turn, long may it continue.
No state control freak Labour to hide behind anymore.
Byyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
Bad laws Simon? What about the continuing abuse of laws by HMRC/UKBA preying on legitimate EU Shoppers when returning to UK? Best of luck to IT but what about the people, Simon? They are being harassed, intimidated, bullied, humiliated, robbed on a daily basis.
Where's the investigative journalism, where's the undercover TV progs?
Good quote from you Simon.
The "healthist lobby", whether that includes smoking, eating or drinking, has had its decade in the sun, ruling the roost with generous lashes of money from the hammered UK taxpayer. The days of plenty and waste are over - the cupboard is bare!
If we are going to fight back against the tyranny of the New Labour years, now is the time to strike. Even with the current coalition in power, we do have more friends than enemies now. It is about time Big Tobacco started to protect its customers' interests; their own interests and profits have been more than protected by the smoking bans around the world.
Just an aside and not necessarily related - has anyone seen Gordon Brown in public recently or even remember him???
@Bill C - he was doing something with schoolchildren the other day in Kirkcaldy. Actually, he looked quite human - more suited, I think, to be a backbench MP than PM!
I sincerely hope that Forest can bring a major force to the new Coalition, and get some common sense to prevail. Dump this nasty, pernicious little bill, shoved through in the Wash-up as it was - now.
So Imperial Tobacco has not been struck dumb after all, glad to hear they've found their voice at last and are starting to take a stand.
Its amazing how they have just now discovered an Act where Scotland was in breach of a trade law.
They must have been afraid to discomode the politically correct Labour lefty loonies up to now.
There must be a lot more of these Laws lying around that could enforce the prevention of these draconian laws, and give 12million smokers back their free choice of a proper sheltered environment to smoke that legal cigarette product.
Surely they have enough well paid lawyers on the payroll to ferret out a law from their law books and enough well paid spin doctors to cook up a reverse version of the defunct Labour spinners cant, into a new liberal pro smoking era 'going forward'.
Good for Big Tobacco !
And about bloody time....................
Ms Duffy like the rest of the wasteful quangos are now frightened. Like NICE the instiute to waste taxpayers money. For Gods sake lets hope Cameron & Co get rid of these parasites. But I wont hold my breath...
All this bunch of cretins (ASH) can think about is ban this and ban that. THe country is on its knees Ms Duffy and you want to put people out of work. Stupid woman.