In the Long Room at Lords

I'm not a huge fan of corporate lunches/dinners - especially those enormous awards dinners where the ear-splitting noise from a band few people have heard of drowns out any conversation - but yesterday's lunch at Lords Cricket Ground, organised by the Association of Independent Tobacco Specialists - was really enjoyable.
It was a warm, sunny day so - naturally - we began with a quick pint in the Lords Tavern Bar by the Grace Gate entrance.
We then entered the ground and were ushered into the Harris Gardens (behind the pavilion) for a glass of champagne.
At one o'clock we sat down for lunch in the famous Long Room, with portraits of great international cricketers peering down on us.
I was lucky to find myself on a rather lively table and it was all extremely jolly.
Of course the atmosphere got even better when Blackberries and iPhones started bleeping with reports that the Chancellor wasn't going to raise duty on tobacco or alcohol. (That raised a cheer as the news spread!)
And then, after a couple of "comfort breaks" so that guests could enjoy a cigarette or a cigar outside, it was time for the guest speaker, Bobby Davro.
Now, say what you like about Davro, on this evidence he works very hard for his money and what we got was a 30 minute performance that kept everyone entertained. For example:
"Never buy a midget with learning difficulties. It's not big, it's not clever."
Or, to a member of my table:
"If you were my daughter I'd still be bathing you."
OK, OK, you had to be there. But I laughed.
In the words of a fellow guest: "What a great afternoon. Bobby Davro in the Long Room - bizarre!"
Afterwards, following yet another comfort break, we retired to the Tavern Bar to refuel. It was that sort of day.
PS. I even won a fountain pen in the raffle. Now that was a first!
Reader Comments (2)
"I was lucky to find myself on a rather lively table and it was all extremely jolly".
Since you've being 'working' for Forest your life has been more than lucky!
"If you were my daughter I'd still be bathing you."
He got THAT one from Bernard Manning !
Still funny, though...............................
(And - judging from the photo - he did have a point !)