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Some people never stop

I have just been on The Morning Show with Emma Britton (BBC Radio Somerset) where they are inviting listeners to "Have your say: should smoking be banned in cars?" Emma sounds a little like Clare Balding and her mellifluous voice lulled me into a false sense of security as I rattled on. Eventually she interrupted me gently to say, "I know you're a man who never stops a sentence ..."

A polite way, I suppose, of saying: "Shut up!"

Reader Comments (2)

Perhaps, when you appear on these programmes, you should insist that the the question being debated is made very clear. Is it about banning smoking in cars carrying children or banning smoking in all cars. ASH always encourages confusion and the broadcasters don't understand what's going on.

June 17, 2010 at 12:13 | Unregistered Commenterjon

I think that it's all academic. We know exactly where this is heading with cars with children being merely a step to cars full stop. After all it makes no sense, within the tobacco control lobby's internal logic, to ban smoking in company vehicles and not all vehicles.

This will never stop until the 'science' is challenged robustly and at every opportunity. Civil liberties and private property rights arguments will never trump the danger to health.

June 17, 2010 at 16:17 | Unregistered CommenterJoyce

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