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« The Freedom (Great Repeal) Bill | Main | Science, but not as we know it »

Getting the message across

Over the next two to three weeks you will be seeing quite a lot of the animated banner above because it will be appearing on the following blogs:

An Englishman's Castle
Guido Fawkes
Iain Dale's Diary
UK Polling Report
Boris Johnson
Tom Harris
Burning Our Money
Dizzy Thinks
Standpoint Magazine
Tim Worstall
Mark Reckons

The Voices of Freedom series kicks off next week and - please note - there is a change of subject for the first discussion on Thursday June 3.

Full details HERE.

Reader Comments (2)

Ok to nick it Simon? A link to the itinery will be added of course.

May 26, 2010 at 7:32 | Unregistered CommenterTheBigYin

Yes, we must have freedom, but the most important freedom that we need is: is the freedom of choice NOT to have to take vaccinations, or threatened to take just poisonous things and also the freedom of not having to eat Genetically Modified foods - or having ingredients of such poison in our food> We must have the freedom of choice: to know what is healthy for us - and not have someone else decide what is best for us. We must stay healthy! There is much going on in the world that we have to have the health to be strong to stand up against The Globalists, Bilderberg Group, or whatever you want to call them. We have to have government "stay out of our frig" and our lives.
Check into the flu shots:, Squalene, Formaldehyde, Alluminum, Mercury (Thimerosal), Phenoxyethanol (Antifreeze)...etc. Monsterous!
You know about GM. It's a bugger to all living things: in the earth, on the earth and above the earth, with the DNA right in the seeds, it destroys everything. So here is to freedom from the NWO! Freedom of not being concerned what you are drinking or - biting into: Pesticide Dinner, anyone? Viruses thrown in on the side, with a dash of vaccines?
Oh yes: Global Warming: and science tests to show: Global Warming is hogwash! Follow the money! Who makes the most money!
That's the key to finding out what is really about: as for the IMF and money, check out Iceland - they gave them the boot!

May 27, 2010 at 4:30 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Payne

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