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Update on Friday, April 2, 2010 by
Simon Clark

Nick Clegg reveals his smoking habit and his "liberal" philosophy.
Reader Comments (18)
Now I have seen it all.
The Junk Scientists and their cohorts have done such a good job with their anti-smoking propaganda, feeding the weak minds of the proletariat with such junk as passive smoking kills, passive smoking makes you ill, passive smoking makes you stink., etc., etc. That some twerp in today's Daily Express has actually asked the paper's vet, if passive smoking could possibly be making her rats ill.
No, this is not a belated April Fool's joke, this is for real, and the vet has answered her. Read it yourself here
Here's more food for thought; a lorry containing seven million illegally-imported cigarettes were recovered from a freezer unit on a 40ft lorry that had reached Newhaven ferry port in East Sussex from Dieppe. But get this, a HMRC spokesman said the cigarettes would be burned at a power station to fuel the National Grid while inquiries continued.
They are going to allow smoking "inside" a building?
Just think of all the passive smoke that will saturate the countryside for miles and kill off all the workers, not to mention the wildlife, such as the poor little rats....
You can see the article here
This RSPCA business really angers me - thousands, if not millions of innocent, defenceless animals could, potentially, be thrown out on to the streets if these idiots have their way. As I work for an animal charity on a voluntary basis, I feel really really angry that people (and animals) can be treated in such a disgusting manner. The way I feel at present - it is the people spreading propaganda and lies who should be chucked into the fiery furnaces of the National Grid to provide extra heat for the nation! I don't think I am alone in my way of thinking. It appears that April Fools Day has now become every day in this sad, oppressed land. Happy Easter all! (that's if we are still allowed to celebrate it!):(
I guess using Clegg's philosophy, we should all stop driving cars immediately. They pollute the air, cause athma, and kill others in accidents.
Clegg should never be leader of the UK - he just doesn't have the intellectual ability.
I'm repeating a suggestion I made twice before. A huge number of people are unaware of any serious attempt to amend the smoking ban.How about Forest making available for us to purchase, business card size cards with the Amend the Smoking Ban logo on one side and the other side and the other side printed with links to online information of an objective and non-aggressive nature: for example, Chris Snowdon's book and blog. The warm weather will soon be upon us. Each night I pass several pubs as I walk across Manchester. In total there are often well over two hundred people sitting outside. The smokers have tobacco and cigarette packets in front of them, so are easily identifiable. These cards would not be annoying to the recipients, who would probably slip them inside their wallets, pockets or handbags.
Jon, this is in hand. Cards will be available shortly.
Link to story on the Forest page.$1368640.htm
Basically Clegg says he supports the ban because even though his is an occasional smoker ,as a so called Liberal he says that smoking is OK providing you don't harm anyone else.
Two problems with this statement you illeberal undemocrat.
1.Passive smoking is pure junk science ,only a fool would believe that.
2.How about this Mr Clegg ,why then is it illegal to allow smoking in a private club staffed by smokers for smokers ?
Just as I though you are an Illeberal Undemocrat after all,by your own confession.
In fact just another weak politician afraid of the anti smoking "nut job" lobby.
I have the misfortune to live in a Lib Dem republic - they love the smoking ban. It makes them feel really worthy and morally superiour. At a local level they are the most politically correct group of sanctimonious people I have had the misfortune to come across. They are puritanical people who want to enforce their puritanical views and lifestyle on others. I have no doubts that they will win again in my area as they have taken over just about every local organisation/group and formed their own social network. Where these people take over there is no hope and they move in herds and packs. You have been warned by someone with first-hand experience.
Specky I absolutely agree with you, but would extend your last sentence:- 'In fact just another weak politician afraid of the anti smoking "nut job" lobby.' to just about all politicians and add that if they managed to find a brain cell between them then they see this propoganda for what it was.
This country is in a shameful mess, yet politicians are more concerned about controlling our every thought and deed than sorting out the mess they have created!
Dear All,
Please follow the following link to petition the Prime Minister to allow smoking in pubs. It currently only has 22 signatories. We need to make our voices heard!
The link is:
Simon, please publicise this petition.
Thank you,
Marcus J. Swift.
I have signed the petition Marcus, not that I think it will do any good, as over the past couple of years I have signed and instigated a considerable number of such petitions, but if we don't all keep on, then they will have even more excuses for telling us how well the ban is working and how everyone loves it.
At the end of the day, it ends with good ol' Gordon saying it has been looked at but bla bla well it works....the health of the nation....bla bla know the stuff, but if you don't try you don't get.
Your link was slightly wrong by the way, so here is a correct link to the site.
P.S. having just signed the petition I then went to my email to confirm my signing, but the link I was given on the site did not work, so my signature was not registered.
There are of course other signatures attached to the petition, so I don't know how they managed it.
This is the email I received, so if anyone wants to try that link they are welcome.
Peter Thurgood,
Please click on the link below to confirm your signature on the
petition at the bottom of this email.
The petition was created by Rob Jefkins and reads:
'We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Ban the Non
Smoking Law in Pubs.'
[ Please do not reply to this email, it will not confirm your
signature. This email has been automatically sent by the
petitions system. ]
Thanks for the help Peter, have signed up too and agree with what you say; don't expect it to do much good, but we need to keep pounding away, just to prevent them having any more excuses to claim what a success the ban is! Not that they won't do that anyway!
"I understand that if you do, the days of sitting in a pub drinking a pint and having a cigarette is something you feel very attached to."
Still attached, still fulminating against illiberal dicks like you.
Where does Mr. Clegg indulge his filthy little habit, at home, in his car, with a tarpaulin over his head in the garden?
My signature hasn't appeared either, Peter. Maybe it just takes a couple of days to update?
Nigel Farage is on form here with Radio4's Any Questions? Question Time for the radio. There is a question from the audience about fox hunting and Nigel makes the point about the smoking ban and the nanny state.
"Whether to want to go fox hunting or smoke a cigarette in the back room of a pub, should be decsion you make for yourself, I don't want to live in a country where the nanny state makes all of these decisions. I would love to see the hunting ban and the smoking repealed. (Peter Hain interupts). You have tried to take away choice and replace it with the nanny state, in 13 years you have failed."
@ 40.13
I was watching Come Dine With Me earlier, a repeat from 2005. A contestant put on a fantastic evening with a Morrocon theme, loads of fabulous food and entertainment in the form of a belly dancer. When one of the others was giving his marks at the end, he said that it was a fabulous evening deserving top marks, but was negated by what happened at the end. He said that in this day and age this sort of thing was unnaceptable. What was it? A Shisha pipe!!! He gave her 4 out of 10.
Dave A -
Thanks for the link: Nigel's SUCH brilliant value !
But, my, didn't he touch a Puritanical Nerve when making the perfectly sensible suggestion that:
a) The 'War On Drugs' has been lost, and
b) SERIOUS consideration should be given to de-criminalising them, since it is the VERY criminalisation of drugs that causes ALL the CRIME.
And if the Jerks-In-Charge ever get round to criminalising cigarettes.......
The BEST way to CREATE 'criminals' ?
Just INVENT a New Crime.
After all, it worked for Mao...............