Have a nice day ...
I shall be out most of the day in meetings or driving around the M25 so I shall leave you with this. Yesterday someone called Gina commented on a post that I wrote on October 13, 2009. The post was entitled "Is it time to ban Duncan Bannatyne?" and you can read it HERE.
Gina's response would probably have gone unnoticed had I not spotted it on our "Most Recent Comments" facility (which is not visible to you). Here it is:
Oh my fucking god, you would have to be as a group the stupidest and i mean the stupidest group as a people i have sadly have had to experience. The reason smokers no longer get to sit at the back of the bus is that as addicts you are THE most selfish and arrogant of drug addicts and think your addiction surpasses anyones elses right to freely exist without exposure to lethal and addictive side affects. Clearly eveyone of you that wrote on this site is in complete denial to the fact that you're all addicted to cigarettes and by association corporate agencies that fist you with no regard. Before you all dismiss what Bannantyne has to say why not recognise first that as smokers you strip others of rights by just lighting up!!!
Have a nice day.
PS. Feel free to talk among yourselves about anything else ... as long as it's not libellous or a party political broadcast on behalf of UKIP.
Reader Comments (22)
A lucid, beautifully-written, and compellingly-reasoned piece of prose.
I hope that 'Gina' is allowed back into the community soon.......................
A friend of mine recently pointed me towards this site, as both she and I are smokers, and in general I like what I see, but I must say the UKIP side of it is infuriating. Simon says as the beginning of this post, post what you like as long as it's not a party political broadcast on behalf of UKIP. But Simon it is!
I ask you Simon, who in their right mind would vote for a bunch of nutters like UKIP? They might just as well vote for the Flat-Earth-Society, in fact FES have probably got more chance of getting elected than that bunch.
Mind how you go boys and girls you just might fall off the end of your little world.
I think you will find that Simon shares your point.
Gina is obviously the product of some broken parentage
followed by a maladjusted transition through adoleence tarnished by delayed puberty,culminating in
a series of loveless relationships with inadequate
partners.Unable to come to terms with her inabilty
to form normal human relationships she (it) pours
scorn on whatever is the vogue for blame.
Unfortunately modern science has no cure for this deep
mental disorder except committal to a secure facility
Prof Yung Lo Han
It seems very hormonal here today. ;-)
I never cease to be amazed by the accusations of "selfishness" levelled at smokers.
Especially when these people bleat on about selfishness yet demand EVERY public place be smokefree and damn the 10,000,000 others who smoke.
I have NEVER heard a smoker demand for EVERYWHERE to be smoking, it's always a compromise solution or indeed a solution (such as smoking pubs or smoking rooms in pubs) that would not only have NO impact at all on such small-minded people but would actually benefit them, as smokers would be away from doorways and off the streets.
Yet the fact that someone, somewhere is smoking rouses them to a level of frenzy where they start foaming at the mouth.
"Selfish?" These idiots should look in the mirror!
Over 20% of the adult population smokes. In a free capitalist society, that is a very, very attractive demographic. If you are free to attract that demographic, you will do it.
In politics, a demographic of over 20% of the population SHOULD be a very attractive one - especially when it has been persecuted and subjected to apartheid. Yet, the issue attracts virtually no political traction.
As a smoker, I would vote for a politician who put forward an accomodative policy - I would vote for that person regardless of who else was standing, simply because this issue has become central to me and my life (or, the disruptions to my life, more's to the point).
Quite frankly, I can't understand my fellow smokers who would ever vote otherwise.
I never wanted to become a pariah. I'm just a bloke who enjoys a smoke. What's so bad about that?
Nothing Ano,
I would vote for ole Nick himself if he was on the side of smokers and promised to amended the smoking ban.
Whats the difference I say, when the world now is full of ole Nicks!
Very well put Mr A and Ano, I agree with you both completely.
Ano, you must vote for UKIP. I don't know your circumstances, but the two main parties are now so similar that it genuinely makes no difference to me which is elected.
Yes jon is right ano you must vote for UKIP.
I am campaigning for them and designing new tea-shirts and flags. As soon as they are ready I will post an ad on here.
Tina - as a new UKIP supporter, I can assure you I am not a nutter and neither are those people I have met like Nick Hogan. I find your analysis of UKIP members about as offensive as Gina's assessment of smokers. Be a turkey at Christmas if you want, but I won't be! People like you will seal our eradication by voting for one of the three.
Sorry Simon. I didn't bring this up but I felt obliged to defend myself and my colleagues - what were you saying about libel ?
I too am offended by Tina's description of the Flat-Earth-Society, of which I and thousands of other people are members. To tie us in with Ukip makes us sound as if we are affiliated with them in some way which I can assure we are not. They are a silly little party with no policies other than banning smoking. We on the other hand are not politically motivated in any way, and are as entitled to our views as everyone else. I thought this was a democratic site, seems I might be wrong.
This is daft all this bickering about UKIP, they're not that bad, I propose we write a song about our favourite political party.
As a smoker and lifelong Tory supporter sitting on the right - no right a bit more, a bit more, STOP! - I am worried that I find UKIP more and more attractive every day. As more people like me start to share this train of thought I can feel my pencil hovering on polling day and I wonder whether I cast to remove Labour or to support the only party to commit to a favourable policy on the single issue which has annoyed me more than anything else over the past three years. Still - at least it's shaken me out of my shameful apathy towards the dull, centrist political classes. Somebody help - my head hurts and I'm full of bile!
Sorry - don't know why I posted that on this thread - must be Gina driving me to despair!
UKIP isn't right wing enough for me!! :) I don't know now who to vote for.
I object, however, to Gina taking the Lord's name in vain and using disgusting language.
I think that we would all agree that we need a sign from some politicians that the have at least some intention of looking again at the ban with a view to giving some relief to smokers. As regards who to vote for at the GE, my view is that we need to hold fire as yet and see what comes out in the wash over the next month or so. In my own constituency, the Labour MP (Ruth Kelly) only managed to win by a small margin. This constituency has been Tory for decades. My intention is to remove Labour and so I will almost certainly vote Tory, but I still have an open mind. It may be an idea for posters to look at their own constituencies and calculate the possibilities. IE. Vote tactically.
As regards the Gina person, I would suspect that is a fully signed-up member of Ash. She certainly seems to have the appropriate intellectual qualifications.
Gina is Bannatyne silly people.
Don't you know that's the name he uses when he lives out his transvestite fantasy? You did see his recent video, didn't you? :)
She walks around her home masterbating herself whilst wearing a conical white shroud (KKK TYPE) ,eye holes cut out of course, with the no smoking symbol printed on the forehead part of the said conical shroud ?
I do not suffer fools lightly.
I do not apologise anymore to that sort of bigot.
Tina M -
Re your interesting observation that:
"in fact FES have probably got more chance of getting elected than that bunch...."
You can rest easily, I think.
It looks as though the Flat Earth Society WILL get elected.
Under a different name................
Junican - I agree.
Our Conservative MP has an impressive majority so my vote for UKIP (after a lifetime voting Tory) probably won't do too much damage. What it will do is provide the opportunity to let 'them' know that Cameron's nuCon policies are not acceptable.