Suzy Dean - to the point

Writing on The Free Society website today, Suzy Dean argues that John Terry’s "crime" was not cheating on his wife, but trying to gag the press using a "super-injunction". Do you agree?
Full article HERE.
Suzy (above) is a writer and journalist who has co-founded a new project called To The Point.
"The project was borne of our increasing frustration with the state of politics today. In mid-2009 we got together to try and work out our thoughts on the matter and decide whether it was appropriate to formulate a series of demands.
"The outcome is a manifesto addressing what we see as the primary hindrances to progress today, under five headings: prosperity, development, democracy, education and freedom. The realisation of any one of these demands would signal a major shift in the political culture of this country."
To The Point has drawn up a manifesto that includes a section on freedom. It reads:
Over the last decade our behaviour has been subject to more petty regulation and micro-management than ever before. Lighting up a cigarette or cracking open a can of beer in the wrong place can lead to a criminal conviction. If we want to work with children we must submit to insulting CRB checks: everyone, even children, is guilty of child abuse until proven innocent ...
We have become inured to round-the-clock CCTV surveillance and even regulation of what we can photograph.
Our civil liberties should be fought for and extended. They limit the state’s power to do with us as it pleases. Our everyday freedoms also need to be defended and new regulations around our personal habits challenged. This is because interventions into our private lives breed mistrust between all of us; policy increasingly tells us how to engage with one another rather than leaving it to our own sense of judgement.
Reader Comments (4)
Bobbies in Suffolk are to use common sense instead of prosecutions
So, Suffolk has finally seen sense and returned to the old days when common sense and discretion were the norm in policing and the police had far more respect from the public. Hallelujah
When will the government and other politicians finally realise the same?
Oh dear -
The beautiful (and precociously wise) Suzy is about to be buried by Greg Mulholland's flaccid 'liberalism' and some brassy hoofers.
Get her on an All-Wimmin Shortlist - NOW !
Three cheers for To The Point!