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Clock off if you want to smoke

Remember Breckland Council in Norfolk? They want to make employees clock off for smoking breaks. Well, today is the day the new policy is implemented and I've been asked by a number of BBC radio stations to give Forest's response.

I've done so many interviews on this subject that I've started to bore myself but this is the quote I gave the Press Association:

"Forcing people to clock off to take a smoking break seems very heavy-handed.

"It's based on the fallacy that smokers work fewer hours than non-smokers. There is no evidence for this but if people are encouraged to believe it employers may decide to employ non-smokers only, and that's a real concern.

"Everyone is entitled to a break at work. Some people have a cup of coffee, others gossip around the water cooler, make personal phone calls or surf the internet. Some choose to smoke a cigarette. Unfortunately, since the smoking ban was introduced in all workplaces smokers are more visible when they are taking a break because they are forced to stand outside.

"People aren't robots. We all work at a different pace and get through the working day in our own way, but if staff abuse their employer's trust by taking too many breaks that's a sign of weak management and employers should look at themselves before imposing more rules and regulations on their employees."

I will be on Radio Cumbria (7:20), Radio Shropshire (8:40), Radio Coventry (9:05), Radio Leeds (10:05), Radio Scotland (13:05), Radio WM (14:15) and various news bulletins throughout the day.

See: Norfolk council workers lose pay to smoke (BBC) and Going for a smoke? Don't forget to clock out (Reuters)
Workers are told to 'clock out' when nicotine calls (Independent)

Reader Comments (5)

Too depressingly predictable for words.

And this from one of those 'Conservative' councils one keeps reading about - New Style.

I've just checked out the story again from the 'Mail Online' September report. The Council 'leader' , one William Nunn (who looks rather like a tyre-fitter's apprentice forced into a suit at gunpoint), justified the proposal on the grounds of "enhancing the lives of our staff".

Well, it that's HIS idea of 'enhancement', I dread to think what other fun-packed innovations the dreary little twat has in store for the minions.

No wonder Gerald Celente describes himself as a Political Atheist. For THIS conservative, it seems the ONLY way to go these days...................

November 1, 2010 at 9:31 | Unregistered CommenterMartin V

Have a look at this:$

Points of interest:

The answers re " how many cigs do you smoke a day". I don't know any smokers who only smoke between 1 and 3 cigs a day.

Look at the questions re "do you want to quit" etc. and what help do you want.

This looks like part of a smoking cessation campaign to me.

November 1, 2010 at 10:46 | Unregistered CommenterEddie Douthwaite

William Nunn what a dictator! What people do on their official work breaks is up to them. Its when workers take extra breaks, thats what managers should look at.

November 1, 2010 at 15:52 | Unregistered CommenterMalcolm

I average 3 cigarettes a day. I used to smoke 20-30 a day and tried giving up for the only time in my life. I was so miserable, I decided to restart but make sure it was at a sustainable level so I'd never have to go through that again! That was 20 years ago and I've kept my 3 a day habit, despite everything they say about it being impossible to cut down and stay at the new level.

November 2, 2010 at 8:57 | Unregistered CommenterRose W

These are the quetions asked on the Survey

1. Do you smoke

2. Do you smoke at work.

3.How many cigarettes do you smoke a day.

4. Do you smoke during core hours.

5. Do you clock in/out when taking a cigarette during core hours.

6. Have you ever tried to give up smoking.

7. Would you like to give up smoking.

8. What support would be of benefit to you when giving up smoking.

9. Would you like employer-led support and assistance to give up smoking.

10. Would you support BDC becoming a smoke free zone.

11. Do you foresee any problems should Breckland become a smoke free zone.

The one question that is NOT asked of Non-Smokers is:-

Do you clock in/out when taking a break in core hours/

November 2, 2010 at 11:27 | Unregistered CommenterEddie Douthwaite

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