EC distances itself from RAND report

Further to yesterday's post about the bashing given to the RAND report at the meeting I attended in Brussels on Wednesday, I am delighted/intrigued to note that a disclaimer has been added to the RAND report link on the EC website. It now reads:
This document does not represent the point of view of the European Commission. The interpretations and opinions in it are solely those of the authors.
Now that's what I call a result.
Reader Comments (2)
Great news about the disclaimer Simon. Whereas before, people like this could publish with importunity such documents, knowing that the majority would read it, and accept it without question.
I sincerely hope that this could be the writing on the wall, that all these bodies will have to follow, including of course our old archenemy, 'ASH'.
I see this as the first steps towards a complete surrender. If the anti-smoking lobby cannot back up any claims that have, or are scared to do so, as this seems to indicate, then they have surely lost the battle, and should retire forthwith.
Simon - do you as yet have that hard copy from the representative you were talking sounds it could be very interesting.