No rest for the wicked

Driving to London shortly to be interviewed by GMTV. They want to film in a pub near the GMTV studios on the South Bank. That's a 180-mile round trip for what will probably be a ten or 20-second soundbite.
Update on Sunday, January 31, 2010 by
Simon Clark

21:45: I'm typing this from our office in Soho. I've decided to stay in London overnight. You'll find out why in the morning. But first, I need to buy a toothbrush and some toothpaste.
Reader Comments (8)
Well done just now on the Today Programme Simon! Humphreys was completely outrageous. How does the BBC allow such rude and insulting "interviewing" to pass for news or debate?
I agree with Rose above. Am so bored with the Humphries/Naughties approach - sneering and patronising. There's a debate to be had here. What is the role of government ? Where does this nit picking legislation stop - are we to loose logos off whisky bottles, macdonalds too etc ? Why cannot the BBC treat us with respect - most of us are lawabiding normal sort of people. Why are we being so demonised ? That wasn't an interview - it was the school bully in full flow.
Would they think it ok to speak like that to people who choose to drink alcohol? Or drive vehicles? Or go mountaineering? Or anything else where a case can be made for danger to self and possibly others?
Maybe the answer to my question is, not yet, but give it a few years ... Or maybe it is just smokers who "deserve" this treatment?
I heard Humphreys interviewing Andy Burnham but not Simon. I'll 'listen again' if someone would kindly give me the rough time.
Well we all know that anti smoking zelots can safely vent their prejudices and sheer bigotry on smokers because they can get away with due to the fact that the Pseudo Science with which they base their claims is not being questioned in the Main Stream media.
Sounds familiar ?
These people get off on bullying other human beings into accepting their notions of what is correct behavior.
These kind of people are mentally ill and should be viewed as such.
Think of the difficulties that other minority groups suffered at the hands of bigots,
Labour and anti smoking nazis are;
It was 06.55
Cheers, Rose
Specky, although I agree with most of what you say, I do feel I have to take you to task on saying that 'these kind of people are mentally ill'.
I am classed as having a mental illness because I suffer from depression and anxiety and I know many others who have varying degrees of depression, bi-polar disorder and other such 'tags' that various forms of depressive illnesses are given.
Frankly, I do not believe these people that you are talking about come close to having the commons sense, decency, compassion or intelligence that the majority of people with mental illness have.
As a tongue in cheek comment, however, I myself have said that regarding the government, it is a case of the lunatics now running the asylum. That, however, is based on the very old fashioned idea that anyone with any kind of depression, personality disorder, or whatever were automatically classed as lunatics and shut away in an assylum.
Hope you don't mind me saying this, and I am not 'having a go', just pointing out, from my perspective, that it is a little unjust to those of us that suffer mental illness, to have the likes of these zealots likened to us. It is a bit of an insult, like saying that they all behave like pigs, when in fact, pigs usually behave very well, certainly in comparison to some of the anti smokers and, indeed, MP's!
Sadly, the way, I missed the interview.