Suzy says: "I really enjoy smoking"

Last week I took a call from BBC News (online). They wanted to film someone smoking a cigarette and talking about their habit. Could Forest suggest someone suitable?
Several names came to mind but one stood out: Suzy Dean. I first met Suzy at a Forest event last year. She subsequently appeared in a Forest video (HERE) and later featured in a Free Society video, speaking out against the tobacco display ban. See HERE.
Filming for the BBC took place last Wednesday and the result is featured HERE.
Suzy is co-founder of Modern Movement which campaigns for "faster, cheaper, better transport for all". She is also a member of the Manifesto Club which campaigns for "freedom in everyday life".
Last but not least she has written a number of articles for The Free Society HERE.
Reader Comments (8)
Women smokers are sooooo sexy!
Women smokers are soooooo sexy!
Sorry for double post, but it's true.
Idlex -
That's MY comment - your naughty plagiarist !
Nonetheless it IS a Scientific Fact that attractive women are even MORE attractive when they smoke.
Much more.............(don't even think about it, Deborah !)
Coming soon c/o Basil's Broad Brush...
Fags and Girls
Pic/vid/girl donations welcome.
Yep. Everyone's right to smoke - good luck to her. It should, however, also be the right of everyone who DOESN'T smoke to withhold National Insurance payments so that if she develops lung cancer late on in life, she's just left to cough herself to death by the side of the road.
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